Parkinson's disease-risk protein TMEM175 is a proton-activated …
2022年6月23日 · Here we show that TMEM175, a genetic risk factor for Parkinson's disease (PD), mediates the lysosomal H + leak by acting as a proton-activated, proton-selective channel on the lysosomal membrane (LyPAP). Acidification beyond the normal range potently activated LyPAP to terminate further acidification of lysosomes.
Cell:徐浩新/胡美钦/李平/王策等揭示帕金森病发病风险的新机 …
2022年6月23日,密歇根大学 徐浩新 团队(胡美钦 、 李平 、 王策 为共同第一作者)在 Cell 期刊发表了题为:Parkinson’s disease-risk protein TMEM175 is a proton-activated proton channel in lysosomes 的研究论文。 该研究表明 TMEM175 是 帕金森病 (PD)的遗传风险因素,并证明了 TMEM175 是溶酶体膜上的氢离子通道,在调控溶酶体酸碱平衡的发挥重要作用,TMEM175 的突变会导致溶酶体过度酸化,蛋白水解活性受损,并促进体内 α-突触核蛋白 聚集,这与帕金森 …
科学网—《细胞》:徐浩新团队首次揭秘溶酶体氢离子通道 - 小柯 …
北京时间2022年6月23日晚23时,在发表于 Cell 杂志的一项研究中,美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校 徐浩新(Haoxing Xu)团队 鉴定出首个溶酶体膜上的氢离子通道TMEM175,并发现TMEM175在调控溶酶体酸碱平衡的重要作用——处于激活状态的TMEM175能够介导过量的氢离子溢出溶 ...
Neurobiol Dis 综述丨南昌大学应俊/华福洲团队综述TMEM175与 …
近日,南昌大学第二附属医院应俊、华福洲团队在Neurobiology of Disease上发表了题为“TMEM175: A lysosomal ion channel associated with neurological diseases”的综述文章,总结了TMEM175的结构、调节和功能特性相关的研究进展,列举了TMEM175与神经系统疾病发生发展相 …
Nature︱一种由生长因子激活的溶酶体钾离子通道, 提示通道造孔 …
论文揭示了一种神经元溶酶体钾离子通道,该通道主要由造孔蛋白(pore-forming protein)TMEM175和 蛋白激酶B (即AKT)复合物组成。该研究也为理解造孔蛋白变异如何影响PD病理提供了见解。
TMEM175 Gene - GeneCards | TM175 Protein | TM175 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · TMEM175 (Transmembrane Protein 175) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with TMEM175 include Dementia, Lewy Body and Gaucher's Disease. Proton-activated proton channel that catalyzes proton efflux from endosomes and lysosomes to maintain a steady-state pH (PubMed: 35333573, 35750034, 37390818).
Transmembrane Protein 175, a Lysosomal Ion Channel Related to …
TMEM175 is a growth-factor-activated and AKT (protein kinase B)-gated lysosomal ion channel. It forms a complex with AKT and conformational changes in AKT are sufficient to activate TMEM175 [28].
TMEM175: A lysosomal ion channel associated with
2023年9月1日 · Transmembrane protein 175 (TMEM175), an ion channel in the lysosomal membrane that is essential for maintaining lysosomal acidity, has been proven to coordinate with V-ATPase to modulate the luminal pH of the lysosome to …
The lysosomal potassium channel TMEM175 adopts a novel
2017年7月19日 · Recently, the previously uncharacterized transmembrane protein 175 (TMEM175) was identified as the bona fide endosomal and lysosomal K + channel, whose function is important for setting the...
Parkinson’s disease risk protein TMEM175 keeps lysosomes
2022年7月12日 · Hu et al. found that at a normal lysosomal pH (4.5–5.0), TMEM175 was about 10 5 times more permeable to protons than to potassium or sodium, and further identified a D41A pore mutation in...