关于切迹滤波音乐治疗耳鸣的方案实操 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
个性化切迹音乐(Tailor-made notched music training)是近年来针对耳鸣旁抑制障碍中枢机制学说孕育而生一种 声治疗 方法。 (简称TMNMT疗法) 机理:主要是通过滤除以耳鸣频率为中心的一段频率范围,从而引起切迹范围内频率相应听觉皮层神经活动的减弱。 目前国外已有研究报道个性化切迹音乐治疗能够有效改善 主观性耳鸣。 此方案是由Okamoto于2010年提出,目前国内外已有10多个临床研究机构对个性化切迹音乐治疗进行了应用探索,虽然治疗时间从3天~几个月 …
Efficacy of tailor-made notched music training for primary tinnitus: …
2024年11月1日 · We systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed the efficacy of Tailor-Made Notched Music Training (TMNMT) for primary subjective tinnitus in adults. The main goal was to evaluate TMNMT's impact on tinnitus symptoms. Following PRISMA guidelines, we included randomized and non-randomized trials.
Efficacy of tailor-made notched music training (TMNMT) in
2024年6月7日 · Tailor-Made Notched Music Training (TMNMT) is a viable strategy in music therapy for tinnitus management. Many research studies have examined the effectiveness and potential benefits of this intervention. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of TMNMT in treating chronic tinnitus.
腾梦绿茵 – 中超-英超-西甲-欧冠-意甲-中国足彩-足球比分-即时比 …
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Tailor-Made Notched Music Train-ing (TMNMT) is a viable strategy in music therapy for tinnitus management. Many research studies have examined the efectiveness and potential benefits of this intervention. This study aims to assess the efectiveness of TMNMT in treating chronic tinnitus.
Efficacy of tailor-made notched music training for primary
Objective: We systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed the efficacy of Tailor-Made Notched Music Training (TMNMT) for primary subjective tinnitus in adults. The main goal was to evaluate TMNMT's impact on tinnitus symptoms. Methods: Following PRISMA guidelines, we included randomized and non-randomized trials. Studies considered involved ...
Alterations in brain activity and functional connectivity originating ...
2024年10月16日 · TMNMT, a novel music therapy for tinnitus, exhibited enhanced inhibition capability and prolonged inhibition duration. The present study represents a pioneering effort to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying the RI effect of TMNMT through analyses of neural source activity and functional connectivity differences.
Combining Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Tailor …
2014年2月25日 · Here, for the first time we combined tailor-made notched music training (TMNMT) with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in an effort to modulate TMNMT efficacy in the treatment of 32 patients with tonal tinnitus and without severe hearing loss.
Efficacy of tailor-made notched music training (TMNMT) in the
Tailor-Made Notched Music Training (TMNMT) is a viable strategy in music therapy for tinnitus management. Many research studies have examined the effectiveness and potential benefits of this intervention.
Study protocol: münster tinnitus randomized controlled clinical …
2014年3月2日 · The RCT includes 100 participants with chronic, tonal tinnitus who listened to tailor-made notched music (TMNM) for two hours a day for three months. The effect of TMNMT is assessed by the tinnitus handicap questionnaire and visual analogue scales (VAS) measuring perceived tinnitus loudness, distress and handicap.