Temperature Probe TMP1 - Vaisala
Vaisala Temperature Probe TMP1 is designed for demanding temperature measurements in industrial applications such as pharmaceutical industry and calibration laboratories, where accuracy and robustness are essential. The TMP1 is part of the Indigo family and compatible with Indigo500, Indigo300, and Indigo200 series transmitters.
TPM1 Gene - GeneCards | TPM1 Protein | TPM1 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · TPM1 (Tropomyosin 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with TPM1 include Cardiomyopathy, Familial Hypertrophic, 3 and Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1E. Among its related pathways are Striated muscle contraction pathway and Cardiac conduction.
能温度探头 TMP1 | 维萨拉 (Vaisala)
维萨拉温度探头 TMP1 设计用于苛刻的工业应用中的温度测量,例如制药业和校准实验室,在这些测量应用中准确性和可靠性至关重要。 TMP1 是 Indigo 系列 的组成部分,并与 Indigo500, Indigo200 系列主机设备相兼容。 特点. 探头即插即用,并与维萨拉 Indigo™ 系列变送器兼容。 或者也可以独立作为一个基于 RS-485 串行总线的 Modbus RTU 协议数字变送器。 Indigo 主机设备提供了通过模拟信号或数字输出、可配置继电器和无线 (WLAN) 配置接口的多种连接选项。 …
TMP1 specifications - HMP1 - HMP3 - HMP4 - HMP5 - HMP7
1 Defined against calibration reference. Including non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability. 3 Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits. Small variations possible; see calibration certificate. 4 Accuracy depends on selected calibration points.
TMP1 温度プローブ - Vaisala
ヴァイサラ TMP1 温度プローブは、精度や堅牢性が不可欠な製薬業界や校正試験所など、温度計測に厳しい要件が求められる産業用途向けに設計されています。 TMP1 温度プローブは Indigo製品シリーズ に属しており、Indigo500シリーズ変換器およびIndigo200シリーズ変換器と接続してすぐ使えます。 If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations.
TMP1 Temperature Probe Features • Temperature accuracy up to 0.1 °C (0.18 °F) • Temperature measurement range-70 ... +180 °C (-94 ... +356 °F) • Modbus RTU over RS-485 • Plug & play compatible with Indigo series of transmitters • Traceable 2-point calibration certificate (calibration points at +20 and +70 °C (+68 and +158 °F)
Temperature compensation - HMP1 - HMP3 - HMP4 - HMP5
Temperature compensation turns on automatically when you connect HMP7 to probe 1 connection terminal and TMP1 to probe 2 connection terminal of the transmitter. Other probe combinations are not supported directly, but you can still update the temperature value through the Modbus TCP/IP interface of Indigo520.
Temperature Probe TMP1 | Vaisala Store
Vaisala Temperature Probe TMP1 is designed for demanding industrial temperature measurements, ensuring accuracy and robustness.
Tropomyosin 1: Multiple roles in the developing heart and in the ...
Tropomyosin 1 (TPM1) is an essential sarcomeric component, stabilising the thin filament and facilitating actin's interaction with myosin. A number of sarcomeric proteins, such as alpha myosin heavy chain, play crucial roles in cardiac development.
TMP-1 | TMシリーズ - オリエンタルモーター
TMシリーズ - TMP-1についてご紹介しています。 オリエンタルモーターは産業用の精密小型モーターや制御用電子回路の開発・製造・販売サービスを世界中に提供しています。