notes life support policy national’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of the president and general
2N4117A TO-72 4L_ADI (亚德诺)_2N4117A TO-72 4L中文资 …
下载2N4117A TO-72 4L中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有结型场效应管(JFET)详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
TO-72 Package
The TO-72 is a type of 'metal can' (also known as 'metal header') package for semiconductor devices. It is sealed hermetically to protect the device from environmental factors such as moisture and contaminants. The TO-72 is commonly used in housing transistors.
TO-72 Package | TO-72 Headers | Electronic Products (EPI)
The TO-72 package is a metal can enclosure designed for semiconductor components, like integrated circuits and transistors in situations that demand precision and dependability. It offers protection against elements like moisture and dust thanks to its tightly sealed design achieved through precise welding.
TO-72/TO-71/TO-18/TO-3封装图 - 电子元器件论坛 - 电子技术论 …
2008年6月11日 · • 采用 TO-72 封装 的硅NPN RF晶体管BFX89和BFY90 2192; • 热电路温度计算公式的说明并以OPA512为例介绍 TO-3 封装 48; • TO-247 封装 尺寸|TO-247 封装 图 23949; • ds 18 b20 封装 图 _ds 18 b20主要参数 42446; • to-263 封装 图 及 封装 尺寸 37794; • to-223 封装 尺寸及 封装 图 16865 ...
TO-72 Mechanical and Layout Data Package Outline Data Suggested Through-Hole Layout 1. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. 2. Four leaded device. Not all leads are shown in drawing views. 3. Package weight approximately 0.31 grams 4. Bulk product is shipped in standard ESD shipping material 5. Refer to JEDEC standards for additional ...
LS320 TO-72 4L Linear Integrated Systems, Inc. - DigiKey
来自 Linear Integrated Systems, Inc. 的 LS320 TO-72 4L – JFET P 通道 25 mA 200 mW 通孔 TO-72-4。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
【产品】TO-72封装光耦合隔离器3C、3N系列,均采用1 kVDC电 …
2018年1月31日 · 3C、3N系列光耦合隔离器的特点及优势: • 高可靠性. • TO-72密封包装. • 1 kVDC电气隔离. • 高电流传输率. • TX和TXV设备封装到MIL-PRF-19500. 典型应用: •输入和输出之间的高压隔离. •在恶劣的环境中进行电气隔离. •工业设备. •医用器材. •办公用品. 技术顾问:Jerry. 世强元件电商版权所有,转载请注明来源和链接。 本网站所有内容禁止转载,否则追究法律责任! ZHANGKK Lv7. 资深专家 2019-01-11. yingqiming Lv7. 资深专家 2018-07-23. 雷神 …
TO-72 Transistors – Mouser - Mouser Electronics
TO-72 Transistors are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for TO-72 Transistors.
TO-72封装,TO72封装形式-TO-72 Package-ICpackage.org
to-72 封装形式脚位封装技术介绍。 封装分类. agp; amr; ax14; ax078; bga; c-bend lead; ceramic; cerpack; cerquad