Tonglen - Wikipedia
Tonglen is a Buddhist practice that involves breathing in the suffering of others and breathing out peace and healing. Its purpose is to cultivate compassion. Tong means "giving or sending", and len means "receiving or taking". [1] Tonglen is also known as "exchanging self with other." [2] [3]
Tonglen Meditation — How to Practice (With Sample Script)
Tonglen is an ancient form of meditation that focuses on compassion: connecting with it, developing it, and learning how to apply it in everyday life. The practice centers on imagining that as we exhale, we are sharing the light of well-being and its causes with everyone who needs it.
自他交換法 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
自他交換法 (藏語: གཏོང་ལེན་, 威利转写: gtong len, THL: tonglen;英語: Tonglen 或 Tonglin),又稱 自他相換法 、 自他換,大乘佛教術語,是一種修行 禪定 的方法,起源於 寂天 菩薩,經由 阿底峽 大師傳入西藏,在 藏傳佛教 中極為盛行,在 漢傳佛教 中也有相同的修行法門,叫做 代众生苦。 在藏文中, གཏོང་ལེན་ 是由「給予」(藏語: གཏོང་, 威利转写: gtong, THL: tong)以及「接受」(藏語: ལེན་, 威利转写: len, THL: len)這兩個字所組成。
How to Practice Tonglen Meditation - Lion's Roar
2025年1月1日 · Tonglen practice, also known as “taking and sending,” reverses our usual logic of avoiding suffering and seeking pleasure. In tonglen practice, we visualize taking in the pain of others with every in-breath and sending out whatever will benefit them on the out-breath. In the process, we become liberated from age- old patterns of selfishness.
How to Practice Compassion Meditation: Introduction to Tonglen
2023年8月21日 · In this article, we’ll examine tonglen meditation, a powerful compassion practice from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Compassion is one of the Four Immeasurables in Buddhism, along with loving-kindness , sympathetic joy, and equanimity.
What is Tonglen? How to Practice Tonglen Meditation
Tonglen meditation, in Sanskrit, means ‘giving and taking’ meditation. It involves sending out love, compassion, and happiness and receiving back suffering, anger, and sadness to transform it.
Tonglen Meditation For Beginners [Script] - THE DAILY …
2021年5月24日 · Tonglen meditation is a transformative practice rooted in Tibetan Buddhism, focused on cultivating compassion. As part of the Lojong (Mind Training) tradition, it helps practitioners develop deep empathy and transform suffering into compassion.
Tonglen on the Spot - Pema Chodron - Tricycle: The Buddhist …
Tonglen is the Tibetan practice of “sending and receiving.” Tong means “sending out” or “letting go”; len means “receiving” or “accepting.” Tonglen is ordinarily practiced in sitting meditation, using the breath.
Tonglen - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Tonglen is a seemingly simple meditation practice of giving away one’s own happiness and good fortune to others and taking upon oneself their suffering and misfortune. Traditionally, the meditation is designed to enhance the cultivation of loving-kindness and compassion, two central ideals in Mahayana Buddhism.
一起体现和平 - 同伦之路 - 香巴拉在线
Tonglen 是一种藏传佛教冥想练习,被称为“发送和接收”。吸气时, 你承受着自己和他人的痛苦, 在呼气时你留出空间, 对自己和他人的同情和治疗. 在我们纪念收获和平的时刻,这是一种美好的实践,也是集体“体现和平”的有力方式 - 香巴拉的主要季节性庆祝 ...