sentence construction - "A top three" or "one of top three"?
2019年4月25日 · The meaning of "a top three partner" is indeed "one of the top three partners". But the second way is longer, and the trend in the English language is to use as few words as possible, conveying the same meaning. "Top third" is definitely not usable. It might mean that, if you have 90 partners, India will be in the top 30 (= 90 / 3).
"Three" most popular - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2021年7月27日 · The three richest men in the world — Bill Gates, Carlos Slim and Warren Buffett — now have a combined $244 billion. The word "Top" is often added, especially in the form "The top ten ..." The top ten most popular registered dog breeds in the UK: Labrador...
What is a word to describe a graduate with the highest graduation …
2017年12月15日 · In the U.S. and Canada, at least, the highest ranked graduate was traditionally granted the honor of giving the valediction (i.e. farewell address) at the commencement exercises, and thus the student with the highest grade point (or whatever other mechanism is used to rank the students) became known as the valedictorian.
meaning in context - On top vs on the top vs at the top - English ...
2020年5月4日 · All three expressions (on top, on the top, and at the top) are grammatical, with different meanings. None of them collocate with become . What you mean, I think, is either will come out on top or will get to the top .
word choice - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2022年11月7日 · Which ones are correct and appropriate for academic and formal writing? 1.a) The country's rank dropped from 3 to 5. 1.b) The country's rank is 3. 2.a) The country's rank dropped from 3rd to 5th. ...
word usage - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
"Top of my class" is much more vague and could mean almost anything. It's sometimes possible to generalize what a certain term means in British or American English; see the British undergraduate degree classification, for example. In other cases, it's most useful to look at the definitions used by the institution of interest.
prepositions - at the top / in the top - English Language Learners ...
2015年2月28日 · The logo goes at the top left; The site name goes at the top beneath the logo; The site branding goes in the center at the top; The site utilities go in the top-right corner; The navigation bar goes below the header and above the body; The section navigation goes in the body to the left; However, these are okay, too: The logo goes on top and to ...
Tense when saying "This is the first time I"
2017年11月1日 · This can be expressed in several ways, and here are the top three in my opinion, and in my personal preferred order of usage: This is the first time I eat sushi. This is my first time eating sushi. I'm eating sushi (now) for the …
What a face/facet of a cardboard box is called? a piece of wall?
2020年1月23日 · In geometry, a cube is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, facets or sides, with three meeting at each vertex. A cardboard box could be viewed as a cube. A cube has 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices.
The word for people stacking up on top of each other
2018年7月23日 · In Australia, long ago, we would call this ‘stacks on the mill’ (1, 2, 3). stacks on. As a cry in a schoolyard game, where children pile up on top of a victim, the chant is sometimes expanded to stacks on the mill, more on still.