Most Common Torx Sizes - Electrician Talk
2011年12月26日 · Most Common Torx Sizes Jump to Latest 36K views 11 replies 12 participants last post by jay_bolton Jan 5, 2012
What driver bits do you use the most? - Electrician Talk
2016年6月3日 · I have a small 6 bit holder that I keep #2 square, #3 phillips, large straight, small straight, T25 torx, and 1/8" allen. I also have long bits, such as #2 phillips, 5/16" hex, and large straight. The long straight is excellent for demoing the old panel and meter base, since all of those screws are straight.
Bit tips for breakers - Electrician Talk
2018年2月11日 · Too many sizes in Torx, who in the world decided T10 is just a red C. hair too big, we need a T9. Too hard to eyeball the size, and it can be fiddly getting the thing started. Same is true for hex socket.
Milwaukee ECX bits - Electrician Talk
2011年8月19日 · Despite my love for Mllwaukee I think I will stick with my Bahco ratcheting screwdriver or any other 1/4 inch driver bit holding screwdriver because I can interchange the bits with bits I actually use like #2 square drive and T30 Torx.
Hex Wrench Size - Electrician Talk
2020年12月27日 · Its one of these sizes: 3/16'', 7/32'', 1/4'', 5/16'', 3/8''. I don't remember which. I use this: Klein Tools Five-Key Inch Folding Hex-Key Set It's been awhile since I've done a 200 amp service but that Klein set has the sizes I need. Oh, and pro tip, put an adjustable wrench on the lug when you torque them. They can be fragile, even brand new.
What size auger bit do you use for wood frame? What brand?
2018年2月11日 · Buy 7/8" daredevils and maybe other less delicate spade bits, plus a short nail eater, and a hole saw, a short and a long extension, and an SDS-plus bit in 7/8". If possible get the hole saw and auger the same shank so you can use the same extensions.
Drill bit size for 10-24 & 10-32 screw - Electrician Talk
2017年8月20日 · Can some explain why a #25 bit is recommended for a 10-24 & a #21 bit is recommended for a 10-32? Isn't the bolt diameter the same? Note: the same chart lists fractional bit sizes and suggests using a 5/32 bit for both. Looking forward to your answers as I need to get back to my belly-button soon.
# 2 square tip klein screwdriver - Electrician Talk
2013年7月26日 · Yes, the breakers that have a square are #2. The square in 6-32 receptacles screws are usually #1.
Which size Core bit for octagon box - Electrician Talk
2017年5月30日 · A dry diamond core bit in block makes a nice clean hole in seconds, no slop. A percussion core bit in mushy basement concrete with big aggregate is sloppy. If you mark your spot and make 3/8" holes at the corners before you drill with the 4" …
Eaton / CH main lugs stripping? - Electrician Talk
2014年11月16日 · I just hung an Eaton mbeb200bts with a CSR2200N main breaker. (wasn't by choice)... I laid in the neutral (3/0 cu) and proceeded to torque it to the spec (250 in lb) ... I didn't get much past what felt like half the torque and the brand new T40 Torx bit stripped out the center of the lug screw. I mostly do Sq D, Siemens, GE ... not much Eaton....