TOZ-194 - Wikipedia
The TOZ-194 is a conventional pump-action shotgun that feeds from a 7-rounds tube and chambers 70 mm shotgun shells ("Standard" 2 3 ⁄ 4" 12-gauge, therefore the use of 76 mm (3 …
TOZ-194 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The TOZ-194 is a 12 Gauge, pump-action shotgun manufactured by the Tula Arms Plant.[3] Designed during the last years of the Soviet Union, the manufacture of this firearm has started …
Višemetne sačmarice TOZ - Kalibar
TOZ 123 kalibra 4/81 je gigantska pamp-ekšn puška, najvećeg mogućeg sačmarskog kalibra 4, koji je bio popularan u 19. veku, kod pratilaca diližansi koje su prevozile zlato i novac.
ТОЗ-194 — Википедия
ТОЗ-194 — российское помповое ружьё, разработанное в середине 1990-х годов на основе конструкции ружья ТОЗ-94. Производится на Тульском оружейном заводе. Ствол ружья …
Insurgency: Sandstorm Best Shotguns (Ranked Worst To Best)
2023年8月5日 · Let me introduce you to the TOZ-194, which was designed during the Soviet Era and still sees use even today. It uses the standard 12-gauge shell, and it’s quite deadly. The …
TOZ-94, pump-action, shotgun - Hunting Fishing
2023年11月12日 · TOZ-94-03 – rib, interchangeable choke constriction. Model TOZ-194, TOZ-194-01 differ in the length of the barrel form box, pistol grip, folding stock, and short forearm. …
TOZ-194 - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The TOZ-194 is a "compact" variant of the TOZ-94 shotgun, with a factory pistol grip, shorter barrel, and synthetic furniture. Film
TOZ-194: Description - en.atomiyme.com
TOZ-194 - a pump gun, developed at the end of the last century in Russia. Weapons were intended for use in the protection of farm animals, forest zones, farm buildings and objects for …
TOZ-194 - Insurgency Wiki
The TOZ-194 is a conventional pump-action shotgun that feeds from a 7-rounds tube and chambers 70 mm shotgun shells ("Standard" 2 3⁄4" 12-gauge).
Ружье ТОЗ-194 – характеристика, цена, отзывы
Обзор ружья ТОЗ-194 – техническая характеристика, особенности конструкции, оптимальная стоимость, отзывы владельцев, стрельба. Преимущества и недостатки …