TOZ rifle - Wikipedia
TOZ rifles are a family of .22 Long Rifle bolt-action cadet rifles manufactured by the Tula Arms Plant (Russian abbreviation TOZ stands for Tulsky Oruzheyny Zavod). Most notably the TOZ-8 , TOZ-17 and TOZ-78 which were used to train generations of …
MTs 21-12 - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The MTs 21-12 (known as MC 21-12 in export grade; Russian МЦ 21-12) is a Soviet/Russian recoil operated semi-auto shotgun. It was designed by TsKIB SOO and manufactured mostly by TOZ; over 300,000 were produced. Initially, they were based on the Remington 11-48 while later models were influenced by Breda Antares. In fact, there were two ...
圖拉兵工廠 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
图拉兵工厂 (俄语: Тульский оружейный завод, 羅馬化:Tulsky Oruzheiny Zavod)是 俄罗斯 一个重要的武器制造商,由 彼得大帝 在1712年建立 [4],位于 图拉市。 该厂建立时名为 图拉军火库; 苏联时期 更名为图拉兵工厂。 在其整个历史上,它都在为俄罗斯生产武器。 图拉武器厂于1712年2月15日根据彼得大帝的法令成立,并于1993年转变为股份制公司,是公认的俄罗斯军事和两用技术中心之一。 1720年,对于俄罗斯军队的武器,该工厂生产了2.2万支轻型步兵和龙骑 …
Винтовка ТОЗ-21 - Обзор, Характеристики и Применение
Детальный обзор винтовки ТОЗ-21 от Тульского оружейного завода. Рассказываем о конструкции, характеристиках и возможностях применения этой надёжной и точной модели.
TOZ-87 - Wikipedia
The TOZ-87 (ТОЗ-87) is a Soviet gas-operated semi-automatic shotgun. [2][6] The shotgun MTs 24-12 was designed in 1978-1987 in TsKIB SOO, as a successor to the MTs 21-12 (the first Soviet semi-automatic shotgun), under the leadership of N.V. Babanin. [7] .
Quality of Toz rifles - Gunboards Forums
2008年4月5日 · I have owned quite a few TOZ rifles over the years. I currently only own one, a TOZ-17. Whilst not as aesthetically pleasing as say a Brno / CZ .22, or as perfectly made as an Anschutz, they are JUST as reliable (if not more-so), almost indestructable, and usually VERY accurate (my TOZ-17 will outshoot the TOZ-8m Target rifle I used to own).
TOZ 78 - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2018年9月19日 · Rimfire Central is a forum community dedicated to .22 rimfire enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about .22 caliber pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more! Anyone ever shot a TOZ 78? Midwest Swiss is your guy (for one), and hopefully he'll be along.
TOZ-123 - FirearmCentral Wiki
The TOZ-123 « Syelyezyen'-4 » (TsNIITOChMASh: KRAG.776311.001) is a Russian shotgun developed from the KS-23 for civilian use. It is similar to its military counterpart, however it is chambered in 4 Gauge and has a smooth-bore barrel. Original model from 1971, accepted into service with Soviet police forces in 1985. Modernized model from 1990.
苏联-TOZ-B - 从军WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
toz-b 国家 苏联 英文 toz-b 解锁途径 经验解锁 类型 霰弹枪 开火模式 手动 口径 2.06毫米 威力 46.8 出膛速度 200米/秒 射速 240发/分钟 最大星数 4 装填时间 3.9秒 水平后坐力 28 垂直后坐力 112 供弹 2 火焰喷射长度 火焰伤害 重量
[情報] TOZ中文版可以下載了! - 看板 PlayStation - 批踢踢實業坊
用遠端剛看仁王是否下載完成 去喵了一眼toz中文版是否可以免費下載 結果ok了!! 要下載的快去下載吧 2017 1/20-(忘記了!!) 免錢的玩一玩也好 等下周二 207 再來看要不要熬夜 -- ... toz到底是糞成怎樣啦xddd 01/20 12:21 → ...