空间索引结构比较RTree R* Tree TPR Tree TPR* Tree - CSDN博客
R-Tree是一种平衡树,用于空间数据索引,特别是在二维或更高维度的几何对象存储和检索中。它由Antony Guttman和Raoul Husted在1990年提出。R-Tree可以高效地处理空间对象的插入、删除和查询操作。
The TPR*-Tree: An Optimized Spatio-Temporal Access Method for ...
2003年1月1日 · The TPR*-tree improves the TPR-tree by employing a new set of insertion and deletion algorithms. In addition, it provides cost models that determine the optimal performance achievable by any data-partition spatio-temporal access method.
one-dimensional spaces, the Time Parameterized R-tree (TPR-tree) [SJLL00] is the sole practical spatio-temporal index for predictive queries. The TPR-tree uses the insertion/deletion algorithms of the R*-tree [BKSS90], which minimize certain penalty metrics to improve the quality of the resulting structure. Since the original
C++ implementation of R*-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree …
C++ implementation of R*-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree with C API - libspatialindex/libspatialindex
摘要: 提出一种新的TPR*树索引构建方法,在根节点层利用速度矢量对移动对象集进行划分,根据速度矢量的大小将移动对象聚集到不同子节点中,并逐层构建TPR*树。 在根节点层用溢出桶存储插入的移动对象记录,同时对TPR*树索引进行批量插入更新,以减少其插入更新维护的代价。 实验结果表明,该方法是可行的。 关键词: TPR*树, 构建算法, 溢出桶, 插入延迟更新. Abstract: A novel method for index-building of TPR*-tree is proposed, which splits the moving object set at …
An Improved Spatio-temporal Index Structure for ... - IEEE Xplore
The TPR-tree is a popular index structure utilized to query the present or future positions of moving objects. Compared with the traditional spatial index structures, the TPR-tree is more appropriate to satisfy the requirements of storage and queries of moving objects.
Class Documentation — Rtree 1.4.0 documentation - Read the Docs
For a TPR-Tree, this must be a 3-element sequence including not only the positional coordinate pairs but also the velocity pairs minvk and maxvk and a time pair for the time range as a float. num_results – The number of results to return nearest to the given coordinates. If two index entries are equidistant, both are returned.
TPR_tree_一种面向预言查询的有效时空索引 - 豆丁网
摘要:提出了一种面向预言查询的时空索引技术:TPR+-tree,给出了TPR+-tree的数据结构和关键算法,并引入了双极值子结点的概念, 通过对双极值子结点进行检测和排除,减小了结点面积,改善了结点间的重叠。 试验结果表明,TPR+-tree具有更高的查询性能,是一种有效的面向预言查询的时空索引。 关键词:时空索引;预言窗口查询;双极值子结点. TPR+-tree:AnEfficientSpatial-temporalIndex. forPredictiveWindowQuery. ZHANGYu,YUELihua,JINPeiquan.
The TPR*-tree | Proceedings of the 29th international conference …
2003年9月9日 · Motivated by this, we propose a new index structure called the TPR * - tree, which takes into account the unique features of dynamic objects through a set of improved construction algorithms. In addition, we provide cost models that determine the optimal performance achievable by any data-partition spatio-temporal access method.
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