What is the difference between a Trekker and a Trekkie?
2022年5月27日 · A (german) trekker told me about 30 years ago (i.e. when TNG was still new), that trekkie was a derisive nickname used by non-trekkers, while trekker was the name preferred and used by the trekkers. The section "Trekkie vs. Trekker" in …
star trek - When and how was the word 'Trekkie' coined? - Science ...
2020年8月3日 · [Dorothy] His great, warm brown eyes are guaranteed to melt any trekkie into a helpless pool of protoplasm. Finally, Wikipedia and a few other sites say that sci-fi editor Arthur Saha came up with the term after seeing a few Star Trek fans at the 25th World Science Fiction Convention wearing pointy ears. He apparently used this in a TV Guide ...
Why four lights? - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
2012年2月28日 · The torture scene in this episode is nearly verbatim from Nineteen Eighty-Four's "2 + 2 = 5".In the novel, the slogan is a primary example of doublethink, the ability of the totalitarian ruling party to exert such control they can even …
history of - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
2016年1月30日 · Quite often in science fiction we read an Alien character say: "They're going to the Terran system";. "That's a Terran ship." "They're from the planet Terra".
What are all the types of colored alerts in Star Trek and what do …
2017年7月26日 · There are three official "Alerts" in Star Trek: Red, Yellow, and Blue. There are two additional "Operational Modes", Green and Grey.
star trek - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
2012年2月15日 · The Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual describes the capability as:. Remote lifeform analysis. A sophisticated array of charged cluster quark resonance scanners 1 provide detailed biological data across orbital distances.
star trek - Where are the 32nd century Klingons? - Science Fiction ...
2024年4月8日 · Perhaps I missed something, but I don't recall any appearance or mention of Klingons from Star Trek: Discovery season 3 forward. Is there any mention or appearance of the Klingons in the 32nd centu...
Why did the Klingons behave so dishonourably in Star Trek: …
2017年9月25日 · Wolf does seem like what they Klingon society was supposed to be like had they truly fallowed a code of honor. and you see this starting to take hold in the empire by the end of DS9 as a large majority of the empire hold worf in high regard and many of the major leaders in the show seem to fallow his roll model ways of honor. this is why i see the empire in this show as not fallowing the ways ...
character identification - From what Star Trek script was Sasheer ...
2018年7月29日 · And they were really into trekkie culture. My mom found the original script where my name comes from, and realized that my parents accidentally misspelled my name. Question: From what Star Trek script was Sasheer Zamata's name taken from, and …
Are the Star Trek Next Generation rank pips based on anything …
Pretty simple. As a serving US Navy Officer and Trekkie, my answer (verify for yourself if you wish) is yes, the pips are rather closely based on US Navy (USN) rank...to a point. An Ensign on TNG has one gold pip, USN has a 1/2" sleeve stripe. Junior Grade in TNG has gold and black, USN has 1/2" with 1/4" stripe.