Trichosanthes - Wikipedia
Trichosanthes is a genus of tropical and subtropical vines. They belong to the cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae), and are closely related to Gymnopetalum. Hodgsonia, formerly included here, is usually considered a well-distinct genus nowadays.
栝蔞屬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
栝蒌属 (学名: Trichosanthes)又名 栝楼属 、 蛇瓜属 、 金瓜属,是 葫芦目 葫芦科 下的一个属,为 一年生 或 多年生 、草质 藤本 植物。 本属共有约103种,分布于 南亚 、 东亚 、 东南亚 至 大洋洲。 [1][2] 常见的蔬菜—— 蛇瓜 即属于本属。 属名 Trichosanthes 源于希腊语trichos(毛发)和anthos(花)的合成词,指本属花冠边缘呈流苏状。 在 葫芦科 中,本属被归类于 葫芦亚科 、 刺瓜藤族,已知 丝瓜属 是本属的 姐妹群,本属与其它刺瓜藤族的演化关系如下: 本属已 …
Trichosanthes cucumerina - Wikipedia
Trichosanthes cucumerina is a tropical or subtropical vine. Its variety T. cucumerina var. anguina raised for its strikingly long fruit. In Asia, it is eaten immature as a vegetable much like the summer squash and in Africa, the reddish pulp of mature snake gourd is used as an economical substitute for tomato. [2]
栝楼(学名:Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim.),又名药瓜、瓜楼、瓜蒌,葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)栝楼属(Trichosanthes)一种攀援藤本植物。 栝楼植株长达10米,块根圆柱状,粗大肥厚,富含淀粉,呈淡黄褐色;果梗粗壮,果实椭圆形或圆形,成熟时呈黄褐色或橙黄色 ...
Trichosanthes dioica - Wikipedia
Trichosanthes dioica, also known as pointed gourd, is a tropical perennial cucurbit plant with its origin in the Indian subcontinent. The plant propagated vegetatively and grows with training on a support system (e.g., trellis) as pencil-thick vines (creepers) with dark-green cordate (heart-shaped) simple leaves.
蛇瓜 - 百度百科
蛇瓜(Trichosanthes anguina L.)是葫芦科栝楼属的一年生攀援藤本植物。 别名蛇豆。 [16] 茎被柔毛及疏长柔毛状硬毛;叶圆形或肾状圆形,先端圆钝或宽三角形,叶基弯缺深心形;花雌雄同株,苞片钻状披针形,萼筒密被毛,裂片呈窄三角形,花冠白色,裂片卵状长圆形;果长圆柱形,橙黄色扭曲状;种子长圆形具波状齿;花果期夏末及秋季 [8]。 因其果形细长弯曲似蛇,故而得名“蛇瓜” [9]。 蛇瓜原产于印度和马来西亚,广泛分布于东南亚各国和澳大利亚,在西非、美洲热带 …
Trichosanthes L. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
Discover the flowering plant tree of life and the genomic data used to build it. de Boer, H.J. & Thulin, M. (2012). Synopsis of Trichosanthes (Cucurbitaceae) based on recent molecular phylogenetic data. PhytoKeys 12: 23-33. Has image? 'The …
Trichosanthes - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Trichosanthes is one of the largest genera of Cucurbitaceae; it includes about 44 species of which 22 occur in India. 3 Clark 4 includes the genus as a member of the tribe Cucumerinae, while Muller and Pax 12 consider it within the subtribe Trichosanthinae under the tribe Cucurbitae. The genus underwent great changes in its species classification.
Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.: A vegetable with diverse …
2018年3月1日 · Trichosanthes dioica is annual or perennial herbaceous vine commonly known as Pointed gourd (English), Putulika (Sanskrit), Parval (Hindi) and Potol (Bengali). It grows up to 5–6 m. The stem is about 1 cm thick with simple tendrils.
Trichosanthes sunhangii (Cucurbitaceae), a new species from …
2021年1月13日 · Trichosanthes sunhangii D.G.Zhang, Z.M.Li, Qun Liu & T.Deng, a new species of Cucurbitaceae, is described and illustrated. It was collected in Shennongjia Forestry District, Hubei province,...
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