TRIM33 Gene - GeneCards | TRI33 Protein | TRI33 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · TRIM33 (Tripartite Motif Containing 33) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with TRIM33 include Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma and Orbital Plasma Cell Granuloma. Among its related pathways are Gene expression (Transcription) and Transcriptional activity of SMAD2/SMAD3:SMAD4 heterotrimer.
TRIM33 - Wikipedia
E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM33, also known as (ectodermin homolog and tripartite motif-containing 33) is a protein encoded in the human by the gene TRIM33, a member of the tripartite motif family.
TRIM33 plays a critical role in regulating dendritic cell ... - Nature
2024年5月31日 · Tripartite motif-containing 33 (TRIM33), also known as transcription intermediary factor 1-γ (TIF1-γ), is a multifunctional protein. The molecular functions of TRIM33 include...
清华大学研究组揭示TRIM33蛋白的新功能 - 科学网博客
2017年9月25日 · TRIM33蛋白是TRIM蛋白超家族的一员,除包含三个保守结构域之外,在羧基端还具有PHD指环结构域和Bromo结构域。 有研究表明,TRIM33蛋白具有抑癌因子功能,可以作为泛素化E3连接酶降解脑胶质瘤及肠癌细胞核内的β-catenin蛋白,抑制WNT信号通路。 该功能是通过其RING结构域来实现的。 同时, TRIM33蛋白具有转录因子功能,能够通过PHD-Bromo结构域识别特定的组蛋白修饰(染色质阅读器),在胚胎干细胞早期分化过程中参与TGF-β信号通路调 …
TRIM33 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
TRIM33, also called TIF1γ, is the third member found in the TIF1 family. Like TRIM28, TRIM33 is also a multifunctional protein with many biological functions. It was initially discovered as a transcription co-repressor and exhibited a strong silencing activity when tethered to a promoter (Venturini et al., 1999).
Genome-wide screening identifies Trim33 as an essential
2024年4月12日 · Trim33 -deficient mice displayed a near-complete loss of multiple DC subsets with minimal impact on monocytes or granulocytes. During DC differentiation, Trim33 repressed expression of type I interferon and genes associated with other myeloid lineages.
Tumour suppressor TRIM33 targets nuclear β-catenin degradation
2015年2月2日 · Here we demonstrate that the tripartite motif-containing protein 33 (TRIM33), acting as an E3 ubiquitin ligase, reduces the abundance of nuclear β-catenin protein. TRIM33-mediated β-catenin is...
清华大学吴励课题组《CMI》:揭示调控树突状细胞发育与生存的 …
2024年6月4日 · 综合CUT&Tag、co-IP/MS等分子机制研究,作者证实TRIM33通过与Irf8基因体和增强子区域结合,通过影响CDK9和Ser2磷酸化RNA聚合酶II的招募直接调控Irf8的转录。这一发现解释了DC(尤其是cDC1)分化对TRIM33依赖性。
清华大学免疫学研究所吴励课题组揭示调控树突状细胞发育与生存 …
该研究首次报告了TRIM33通过促进Irf8表达以支持cDC1发育,同时通过抑制Bcl2l11在所有DC亚群及其前体中的表达,在维持DC的稳态中起到关键作用。 作为免疫系统中重要的调控细胞,树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DC)的稳态对于维持机体的先天和适应性免疫反应至关重要 ...
TRIM33 tripartite motif containing 33 [ (human)] - National Center …
2025年2月9日 · TRIM33 promotes glycolysis through regulating P53 K48-linked ubiquitination to promote esophageal squamous cell carcinoma growth. TRIM33 enhances the ubiquitination of TFRC to enhance the susceptibility of liver cancer cells to ferroptosis. TRIM33 loss in multiple myeloma is associated with genomic instability and sensitivity to PARP inhibitors.