Trnopolje camp - Wikipedia
The Trnopolje camp was an internment camp established by Republika Srpska military and police authorities in the village of Trnopolje near Prijedor in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the first months of the Bosnian War.
Prijedor, Camp Trnopolje | kultura sjećanja
The Trnopolje Camp was established by the Crisis Staff of the Prijedor Municipality at the end of May 1992, at the same time as the Omarska and Keraterm camps. It encompassed a complex of buildings at the centre of the Trnopolje village. Some 23 000 people in total were detained at this camp at various times.
Bosnia’s Notorious Trnopolje Jail Camp Remembered
2015年5月26日 · The detention camp in Trnopolje near Prijedor gained global notoriety and became a symbol of the brutality of the war after a British TV station broadcast images of gaunt men behind barbed wire.
Keraterm and Trnopolje: Two Camps that Defined the War in …
2024年7月23日 · The infamous camps in the Keraterm tile factory and the local school in Trnopolje offer insightful examples for analyzing the Bosnian Serb camp system during the war. The camp system put in place by the Republika Srpska’s military forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995 was an attempt to collectively traumatize an entire people.
At Site of Brutal Camp, Serbs See No Evil, Hear No Evil
1995年12月30日 · At the Trnopolje concentration camp--built around a converted schoolhouse--most of the prisoners were women, children and elderly men. Some former prisoners say they were raped and beaten at...
31st Anniversary of Formation of Trnopolje Camp - Sarajevo Times
2023年5月26日 · At the end of May 1992, shortly after her sixteenth birthday, Alma Karabasic, then Alic, with dozens of women and children arrived at the ”Trnopolje” camp, which had just been formed by the decision of the Crisis Staff of the city of Prijedor with the intention of housing the civilian population from the area of Kozarac, and later civilians were...
Trnopolje camp - Wikiwand
The Trnopolje camp was an internment camp established by Republika Srpska military and police authorities in the village of Trnopolje near Prijedor in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the first months of the Bosnian War.
Sudbin Musić – Trnopolje Camp, Prijedor - Srebrenica
Trnopolje Camp held people for deportation. It was filled mainly with women and children. The few men that were imprisoned in the camp lived in constant fear that they would be killed.
Trnopolje camp Map - Locality - Republika Srpska, Bosnia and
The Trnopolje camp was an internment camp established by Republika Srpska military and police authorities in the village of Trnopolje near Prijedor in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the first months of the Bosnian War.
Logor Trnopolje – Wikipedija
Trnopolje je malo selo 5 kilometara južno od Kozarca koje je 1991. brojilo otprilike 5,000 stanovnika od kojih su većina bili Bošnjaci. U svibnju 1992., srpske snage su zauzele selo te doveli 20-ak autobusa punih bošnjačkih zarobljenika koje su stavili obližnju školu u Trnopolju koja je s vremenom pretvorena u logor. [1] Sredinom lipnja i …