天坛整装ERP | 首页
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金隅天坛整装是金隅天坛家具旗下整装品牌,传承68年国企品质,依托自有产业链体系,优选国标环保材料,采用德系施工管理和行业严选客户保障服务,提供从设计、施工、主材、辅材、家 …
TTZZ SAP Table (Time zones) - SE80
TTZZ is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Time zones data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the version and release level. The TTZZ table consists of …
Rules for Time Zones - ABAP Keyword Documentation
The database table TTZZ contains a list of possible time zones in the column TZONE. The entries in the columns ZONERULE and DSTRULE refer to the rules for the time difference of the time …
TTZZ (Time zones) Table in SAP - TCodeSearch.com
TTZZ is a standard Time Zones Transparent Table in SAP Basis application, which stores Time zones data. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and SE11 …
天坛整装,拥有创新整装系统化解决方案,德系标准化施工管理,优选国际标准施工材料,采用行业严选客户保障服务,为客户提供从设计、施工、主材、辅材、家具、软装等一站式放心、省 …
金隅天坛整装 - ttzz.cn
金隅天坛整装是金隅天坛家具旗下整装品牌,传承68年国企品质,依托自有产业链体系,优选国标环保材料,采用德系施工管理和行业严选客户保障服务,提供从设计、施工、主材、辅材、家 …
CONVERT TIME STAMP - ABAP Keyword Documentation
For the time zone "EST" in the database table TTZZ, a shift of -5 hours from the UTC reference time is entered in the database table TTZR. In the database table TTZDV, the end of summer …
TTZZ - Time zones | LeanX
TTZZ (Time zones) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. Key fields are marked in blue. Additionally we …