Tupolev Tu-160 - Wikipedia
The Tupolev Tu-160 (Russian: Туполев Ту-160 «Белый лебедь», romanized: Bely Lebed, lit. 'White Swan'; [1] NATO reporting name: Blackjack) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing nuclear-capable heavy strategic bomber and airborne missile platform designed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the Soviet Union in the 1970s.
圖-160戰略轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
图-160轰炸机 (俄语: Ty-160; 北約代號:「Blackjack」(「海盗旗」),是 苏联 图波列夫设计局 研制的 可變后掠翼 超音速 远程 战略轰炸机,原來用于替换 圖-22M轟炸機 和 圖-95轟炸機 执行 战略轰炸 任务,與 美國空軍 B-1槍騎兵戰略轟炸機 非常相似,它是苏联解體前最后一个战略轰炸机计划,同時是有史以来制造的最重的轰炸机。 图-160是世界上航速最快、航程最遠的战略轰炸机,目前仍在生产,至少有16架正在 俄罗斯空军 服役。 因圖-160具有驚人的操控性能、表面 …
Tu-166 - Wikipedia
From a short name: This is a redirect from a title that is a shortened form of a more complete page title, such as a person's full name or the unbroken title of a written work. Use this rcat (not { {R from initialism}} nor { {R from abbreviation}}) to tag redirects that are …
图-160轰炸机 - 百度百科
图-160轰炸机(俄文:Ту-160,英文:Tu-160,项目编号70,Uзделие «70»,北约代号:Blackjack,译文:海盗旗,又称:图波列夫图-160),是苏联/俄罗斯一型超音速变后掠翼远程战略轰炸机。
Tupolev Tu-16 - Wikipedia
The Tupolev Tu-16 (USAF/DOD reporting name Type 39; [2] NATO reporting name: Badger) [3] is a twin-engined jet strategic heavy bomber used by the Soviet Union. It has been flown for almost 70 years.
图-160(Tu-160)轰炸机性能参数 - 爱空军 iAirForce
在1989〜1990年期间,图-160共创造了44项世界航空纪录。 第一个纪录是利夫•科兹罗夫任指挥的机身编号为14的图-160创造的,其它的纪录是图波列夫设计局试飞员在伯利斯•威里梅指挥下在第三架原型机(序列号70-03)上创造的。 1989年10月31日,利夫•科兹罗夫驾机创造了在1000千米的闭合航线上1731千米/小时的速度纪录,飞机载荷为30吨,这是世界航空纪录C-1-r级的条款规定.飞机起飞重量必须达到240吨。 图-160还创造了载重25吨,20吨、15吨、10吨.5吨、1吨和零载荷 …
Aircraft Photo of TU-166 | VL Tuisku II - AirHistory.net
Aircraft photo of TU-166 - VL Tuisku II - Finland - Air Force, taken by Juhani Sipilä Collection at Kauhava (EFKA / KAU) in Finland on 22 July 1943. Photo: SA-kuva (Finnish Armed Forces photograph, Wartime Photograph Archive).
如何评价俄罗斯新造图-160M战略轰炸机首飞(请看简介)? - 知乎
先明确一件事情,这并不是图160M首飞,而是从2015年该飞机恢复生产后,第一架没用苏联零件,所有子系统全新生产的图160M,上一次首飞是在2018年1月25日(部分俄媒包括红星电视台为了便于区分早批次新生产的飞机称呼那批飞机为图160M2,其实官方统称都是图160M ...
Tupolew Tu-160 – Wikipedia
Die Tupolew Tu-160 (russisch Туполев Ту-160, NATO-Codename: Blackjack) ist ein schwerer strategischer Schwenkflügel - Überschall - Bomber aus sowjetischer Produktion mit interkontinentaler Reichweite. 16 dieser Bomber sind im Dienst der …
圖-16轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
圖-16轟炸機 (俄语: Ту–16, 羅馬化:Tu-16, 北約 代號「獾」 (Badger))是 蘇聯 圖波列夫設計局 在1950年代設計與生產的一款雙引擎噴气 战略轟炸機,第一架原型機於1952年4月試飛,當年12月開始生產,1954年進入前線空軍服役,同時正式授與Tu-16的軍方編號。 它的服役标志着苏联进入了喷气战略轰炸机时代 [2],並外銷給多個國家。 它還被改裝成 圖-104,這是世界第二款投入使用的噴氣式客機,1990年代繼承的俄軍將其逐漸停用。 Tu-16是圖波列夫设计局 Tu-4轟 …
图-160(Tu-160)轰炸机发动机动力系统 - 爱空军 iAirForce
图-160(tu-160)轰炸机发动机 动力系统. 图-160动力装置采用四台库兹涅佐夫nk-32涡扇发动机。nk-32发动机由尼科莱•库兹涅佐夫设计局研制,该设计局原址在古比雪夫,现迁到萨马拉。
SONE-166: Te hoê piha taotoraa e te hoê raatira vahine i roto i te …
SONE-166: Te hoê piha taotoraa e te hoê raatira vahine i roto i te hoê tere tapihooraa i te hoê po, e te mau taatiraa i te pae tino o te tamau noa e tae roa ' tu i te poipoi o Mamaoka Kagura - A shared room with a Kcup huge breasts female boss on a business trip One night devoured by unequaled sexual intercourse that continues until the ...
Tupolev Tu-160 'Blackjack' - MILAVIA
2016年2月14日 · The Tupolev Tu-160 'Blackjack' is a supersonic intercontinental bomber designed during the Cold War to carry and launch Air Launched Cruise Missiles (ALCM). The Tu-160 is the heaviest and most powerful combat aircraft in the world today.
Tu-160 BLACKJACK (TUPOLEV) - Russian and Soviet Nuclear Forces
tu-160 blackjack (tupolev) The Tu-160 is a multi-mission strategic bomber designed for operations ranging from subsonic speeds and low altitudes to speeds over Mach 1 at high altitudes. The two weapons bays can accommodate different mission-specific loads, including strategic cruise missiles, short-range guided missiles, nuclear and ...
Tupolev Tu-160 'Blackjack' Specifications - MILAVIA
2016年2月14日 · Performance: max level speed Mach 2.05 or 2200 km/h (1367 mph); max level speed at sea level 1030 km/h (640 mph); ceiling 15600m (51,181 ft)
Crash of a Tupolev TU-154B-2 in Almaty: 166 killed
None of the 166 occupants survived the crash and nine people on the ground were injured, three seriously. Debris scattered on 840 meters long and 130 meters wide.
[2.0] Reconnaissance & Special-Mission Tu-16s / Xian H-6
In 1967, a Tu-16R was converted into a "radiological reconnaissance" variant, carrying radiation dosimeters and underwing air filter pods to trap traces of fallout. This variant was designated "Tu-16RR"; it seems that it proved satisfactory, since eight more Tu …
老黄良心之作:iGame GTX 1650 Super显卡评测 - 什么值得买
2019年12月24日 · GTX 1650 Super应该是图灵系列中最有诚意的显卡,老黄经侦的到工匠TU-166核心阉割到1280个CUDA,让它的性能甩开GTX 1650、接近GTX 1660;换用性能性能更强的GDDR6显存,进一步拉大与GTX 1650之间的差距。
Rostec delivers two modernized Tu-160M strategic bombers
Rostec delivered a modernized Tu-160M and a newly built Tu-160M to begin flight testing, a prerequisite for their acceptance for active service. Rostec, the state-owned conglomerate that brings together Russia’s leading defense companies, reported the delivery of two Tu-160M strategic missile carrie
Tupolev Tu-2 and Variants - War History
2015年9月8日 · The Tu-2 was a Soviet medium bomber that compiled an impressive record in World War II. Its success is especially remarkable considering that it was designed in a prison. In 1937 the Russian aircraft engineer Andrei Tupolev was accused of passing secrets to the Germans and was incarcerated in a Soviet gulag.
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