Tupolev Tu-204 - Wikipedia
The Tupolev Tu-204 (Russian: Туполев Ту-204) is a twin-engined medium- range narrow-body jet airliner capable of carrying 210 passengers, designed by Tupolev and produced by Aviastar-SP and Kazan Aircraft Production Association.
Tu-234 / Tu-300 / Tu-204-300 - GlobalSecurity.org
The Tu-234 is a version Tu-204 with the shortened fuselage and with the increased flying range. The Tu-300 is the first contemporary domestic twin-engined passenger aircraft, capable of...
Túpolev Tu-204 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El Túpolev Tu-204 (en ruso: Ту-204) es un avión bimotor de fabricación rusa capaz de transportar 212 pasajeros, y posee fuselaje estrecho. Realizó su primer vuelo en 1989 y es considerado el equivalente ruso del Boeing 757 estadounidense.
图-204 - 百度百科
图-204(Ту-204)是俄罗斯图波列夫航空科学技术联合体(原前苏联的 图波列夫设计局)研制的双发动机中程 客机,用于取代 图-154 客机。 图-204被认为与 波音757 同等级别的客机。 图-204的最初设计开始于 前苏联 时期的1983年,1985年 图波列夫 设计局进行详细设计,采用翼下吊挂发动机的双发动机布局,采用 翼梢小翼。 另外,参考当时西方国家新型民航客机的设计,研制了苏联第一款数字化 航电系统 、以多功能显示器为主的“ 玻璃座舱 ”以及线传飞行控制系统。 并采用 …
Tupolev revives Tu-234 work and aims for mid-year flight
2000年3月6日 · Development of Tupolev's short-fuselage version of the Tu-204 has been resurrected, with the much-delayed first flight expected to take place by the middle of this year. The 160-seat twinjet -...
Tupolev Tu-204 & Tu-214 - Airliners.net
Tupolev also developed two developments of the shortened 166-seater Tu-204-300, an RB211-535E4 powered model and a 158kN (35,580lb) PS90P powered model (also known as the Tu-234). The Tu-204-300 prototype (converted from the Tu-204 prototype) was publicly displayed at the 1995 Moscow Airshow.
RA-64001 Tupolev Tupolev Tu-234 - Planespotters.net
2023年7月6日 · Tupolev Tu-234 with registration RA-64001 (ex CCCP-64001) airframe details and operator history including first flight and delivery dates, seat configurations, engines, fleet numbers and names
The Tupolev Tu-204, Tu-214, Tu-224 & Tu-234 - Blogger
The Tupolev Tu-204 is a medium range narrowbody twinjet and was the first Russian airliner to fly with western engines. Tupolev began development of the Tu-204 to meet an Aeroflot requirement for a replacement for the medium range Tu-154 trijet.
Reflections: Tu-204, Tu-214, And Tu-234 - Airliners.net
2007年4月8日 · Is the Tu-234 a bloated, inefficient shrink like a 736 or a 318? Or is it successful like a 332? It was made specifically for the Far Eastern airlines of Russia for long and thin routes.
RA-64001 - Tupolev TU-234 [1450743164001] - Flightradar24
The Flightradar24 API offers powerful endpoints to access real-time aircraft positions, comprehensive airline/airport, and historic flight data. Or check out our Data services page for information about flight events, estimated time of arrival data, flight schedules, and more.
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