1984年1月10日 · project is a pervioous rock weir located on the tule river channel, imediately downstream of the friant-kern canal, tule river siphon. weir is approx. and 25 ft wide. weir was placed in the river during the jan. 1983 flood. this study will address the possible environment al effects from the retention of t
Permit No. 19523: Yolo Bypass Salmonid Habitat Restoration
2021年9月27日 · The project area includes the Fremont Weir, a portion of the Fremont Weir Wildlife Area, Tule Pond, Tule Canal, and one downstream agricultural road crossing of the Tule Canal. Fremont Weir is located adjacent to the Sacramento River, between River Mile (RM) 82 and RM 84, along the northern boundary of the Yolo Bypass, in Yolo County, California.
Sacramento District > Missions > Civil Works > Tule River Spillway ...
The Tule River Spillway Enlargement Project includes widening the spillway an additional 165 feet, making the spillway approximately 365 feet wide, and constructing a 10-foot-high concrete Ogee...
Yolo Bypass - Wikipedia
Destructive floods in 1862 and 1878 prompted various flood control measures, including the 11.5-mile (18.5 km) long Tule Canal (completed in 1864) along the eastern edge of the present-day Yolo Bypass; and the Elkhorn Weir (1897–1917), downstream of the confluence of the Feather and Sacramento Rivers.
Riverine Habitat Restoration Projects - Department Of Water …
The project is an earthen road crossing that spans Tule Canal, just south of where the Sacramento Bypass connects with the Yolo Bypass. The crossing provides the ability to impound water for agricultural and waterfowl purposes. It would replace the existing earthen agricultural crossing with a permanent bridge structure that spans the Tule Canal.
Tule River Spillway project document out for public review
2020年11月24日 · The project includes constructing a 10-foot-high concrete Ogee Weir across the dam’s emergency spillway, relocating or protecting-in-place several structures and supporting utilities at both...
Yolo Bypass Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Fish Passage …
2021年7月20日 · The project will connect the new gated notch to the existing Tule Pond with a channel that parallels the existing east levee of the Yolo Bypass. The project will also include the construction of a supplemental fish passage facility on the west side of the Fremont Weir and improvements to allow fish to pass through an existing agricultural road ...
Monitoring of Yolo and Sutter Bypasses for Fish Stranding and …
View of the “Tule Pond” in the Yolo Bypass southeast of the Fremont Weir. Sturgeon, Chinook salmon, steelhead, and other fish species may become isolated within the Tule Pond when hydrological connectivity to the Tule Canal is lost during receding flows.
Particularly during atmospheric river events, high water spills into the 40-mile-long, 3-mile-wide Bypass from Fremont Weir, Sacramento Weir, Knights Landing Ridge Cut, Cache Creek, Willow Slough, and Putah Creek. Water eventually makes it way down the Tule Canal to the Toe Drain and exits to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) near Rio Vista.
The Lower Tule River Irrigation District (LTRID or District) was organized pursuant to the California Irrigation District Law (Division 11, California Water Code) in 1950. Formation was for the purposes of promoting flood control on the Tule River and to secure a supplemental irrigation supply from the Central Valley Project to sustain