Simple shuttering and striking operations and easy positioning of the formwork carriage, as well as flexible options for moving procedures. The carriage can be driven hydraulically or electrically driven for economic construction processes.
Formwork Carriage for Mine Tunnels MK - ULMA Construction
Mobile formwork carriage for underground or mine tunnel construction. Discover why ULMA tunnel forming systems are versatile and cost-effective in concrete construction
VARIOKIT VTC 隧道模板台车 - cn.peri.com
隧道模板台车是基于VARIOKIT的工程套件组装的,上图是用于浇筑两隧道间的间隔墙。 模板台车可通过液压装置进行收缩,以适应较狭窄截面的隧道。 根据需要可以配置混凝土泵接口和外振动器。 隧道模板车可根据项目需要,以经济施工为准则,选择液压或电动推进系统。 明挖施工方式中的派利隧道模板车。 根据需要,可结合派利其他系统的组件对VARIOKIT方案进行补充,例如上图是HD200高强塔架、PROKIT EP110防坠落护栏与 VARIOKIT组合的施工方案。 在楼板模板 …
With the VTC Tunnel Formwork Carriage, based on the VARIOKIT Engineering Construction Kit, cus - tomised and material-optiszed solutions for cut-and-cover and mined tunnel construction can be realised. In the process, monolithic, semi-monolithic or separate casting methods can be executed. With rentable VARIOKIT system compo -
Tunnel Formwork Systems - Concrete Construction | ULMA
Formwork Carriage for Cut-and-Cover Tunnels MK. Cost-effective formwork carriage, available for rent. Manual or hydraulic advance and quick work cycles. Read more +
Formwork Carriage for Cut-and-Cover Tunnels MK - ULMA …
The cut-and-cover tunnel form carriage is a mobile structure for tunnel construction. It effectively combines the shoring and the adjustable part of the formwork which has to adapt to the vault shape of the tunnel.
Tunnelling Made Easy With PERI.
With rentable VARIOKIT components and system integration, we can design cost-effective tunnel formwork carriages to deliver project-specific requirements and accommodate site limitations. Requirements such as drive-through openings for trucks or single-sided wall formwork are easily fulfilled with fully customisable solutions like ours.
Self-supporting tunnel formwork equipment - Rúbrica Tunnels
The shell rests on a mobile structure called a carriage that, through its own hydraulic system, allows the different movements of the shell as well as the movement of the entire set along the tunnel. Carriage and shell work together but are independent, in this way several shells can be used with a single carriage and thus increase performance ...
Tunnelling Made Easy With PERI - perihk.com
With rentable VARIOKIT components and system integration, we can design cost-effective tunnel formwork carriages to deliver project-specific requirements and accommodate site limitations. Requirements such as drive-through openings for trucks or single-sided wall formwork are easily fulfilled with fully customisable solutions like ours.
VARIOKIT Engineering Construction Kit in action - PERI USA
Tunnel Construction. With VARIOKIT system components, cost-effective tunnel formwork carriages can be realized which are precisely adapted to meet the needs of the respective job site. Requirements such as drive-through openings …