Tupolev Tu-204 - Wikipedia
The Tupolev Tu-204 (Russian: Туполев Ту-204) is a twin-engined medium-range narrow-body jet airliner capable of carrying 210 passengers, designed by Tupolev and produced by Aviastar …
图-204 - 百度百科
图-204(Ту-204)是俄罗斯图波列夫航空科学技术联合体(原前苏联的 图波列夫设计局)研制的双发动机中程 客机,用于取代 图-154 客机。 图-204被认为与 波音757 同等级别的客机。 图-204 …
圖-204 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
圖-204(俄语: Ту-204 ,羅馬化: Tu-204 )是一款由俄羅斯圖波列夫公司所設計的雙引擎飛機,被認為與波音757同等级的客機,用以取代老舊的圖-154系列等三引擎噴射機。
Tupolev Tu-204 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
Planning A New Life Run With The 214 The Tupolev Tu-204. Designed and produced to replace the Tu-154 trijet, the Tu-204 is great for both cargo and passenger applications, making it a …
33 Years Of Flight: The Story Of The Tupolev Tu-204 - Simple …
2022年1月2日 · Tupolev designed its Tu-204 series as a versatile family of aircraft that could serve several purposes. As well as conventional passenger and cargo-carrying designs, it also …
Tupolev Tu-204: Fuel-Efficient Russian Airliner - aircraftn.com
2024年11月4日 · The Tupolev Tu-204 is a narrow-body, twin-engine jetliner developed by the Russian aerospace company Tupolev. It was designed to replace the aging Tu-154 trijet and …
Tu-204 Narrow Body Passenger Jetliner - Airport Technology
A twin engine, mid-haul narrow body jetliner, the Tupolev Tu-204 is designed and manufactured by the Tupolev Design Bureau of Russia. It is built to replace its predecessor, the Tu-154 trijet. …
TUPOLEV Tu-204 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Medium range airliner. In service since 1996. Developed in a few versions: TU-204C freighter version, TU-214 combi version, TU-204-120 and TU-204-220 Rolls Royce engine powered …
Tu-204 - tupolev.ru
Tu-204 is a family of modern medium-/long-range narrow-body twin-engine aircraft with fuel efficiency and high comfort level. Tu-204 aircraft and PS-90A engines are certified by IAC AR …
Tupolev Tu-204 & Tu-214 - Airliners.net
The Tupolev Tu-204 is a medium range narrowbody twinjet and was the first Russian airliner to fly with western engines. Tupolev began development of the Tu-204 to meet an Aeroflot …
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