图-204 - 百度百科
图-204(Ту-204) 是俄罗斯 图波列夫航空科学技术联合体 (原前苏联的 图波列夫设计局)研制的双发动机中程 客机 ,用于取代 图-154 客机。 图-204被认为与 波音757 同等级别的客机。
圖-204 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
圖-204(俄语: Ту-204 ,羅馬化: Tu-204 )是一款由俄羅斯圖波列夫公司所設計的雙引擎飛機,被認為與波音757同等级的客機,用以取代老舊的圖-154系列等三引擎噴射機。
Ту-204 — Википедия
Ту-204 — советский и российский среднемагистральный узкофюзеляжный пассажирский самолёт, разработанный в конце 1980-х — начале 1990-х годов в ОКБ Туполева для замены на авиалиниях пассажирского самолёта Ту-154. Рассчитан на 164—215 пассажиров и дальность полёта 4200—5920 км.
Tupolev Tu-204 & Tu-214 - Airliners.net
The Tupolev Tu-204 is a medium range narrowbody twinjet and was the first Russian airliner to fly with western engines. Tupolev began development of the Tu-204 to meet an Aeroflot requirement for a replacement for the medium range Tu-154 trijet.
TUPOLEV TU-204-300 Specifications, Cabin Dimensions, …
The Tupolev Tu-204 is a medium-range, twin-engine aircraft. Its first flight was in 1989 and since then 85 examples have been built. It was designed to compete with the Boeing 757. Multiple different versions are available with the latest being introduced in 2010. In 2018 only three aircraft were built and in 2017 only 2.
Tu-204 - tupolev.ru
Tu-204 is a family of modern medium-/long-range narrow-body twin-engine aircraft with fuel efficiency and high comfort level. Tu-204 aircraft and PS-90A engines are certified by IAC AR and in full compliance with the International requirements for environmental noise, hazardous atmospheric emission and Eurocontrol.
Tupolev Tu-204: Fuel-Efficient Russian Airliner - aircraftn.com
2024年11月4日 · The Tupolev Tu-204 is a narrow-body, twin-engine jetliner developed by the Russian aerospace company Tupolev. It was designed to replace the aging Tu-154 trijet and to compete with Western aircraft like the Boeing 757 and Airbus A321.
Tu-204 Narrow Body Passenger Jetliner - Airport Technology
A twin engine, mid-haul narrow body jetliner, the Tupolev Tu-204 is designed and manufactured by the Tupolev Design Bureau of Russia. It is built to replace its predecessor, the Tu-154 trijet. The Tu-204 can be used for both passenger and cargo transportation.
Tupolev Tu-204 - Wikiwand
The Tupolev Tu-204 (Russian: Туполев Ту-204) is a twin-engined medium-range narrow-body jet airliner capable of carrying 210 passengers, designed by Tupolev and produced by Aviastar-SP and Kazan Aircraft Production Association.
TUPOLEV Tu-204 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Medium range airliner. In service since 1996. Developed in a few versions: TU-204C freighter version, TU-214 combi version, TU-204-120 and TU-204-220 Rolls Royce engine powered versions with Collins or Russian avionics. TU-224 Rolls Royce powered and TU-234 PS90 powered shorter versions for 166 passengers.