40M Turán - Wikipedia
The Turán tanks were a series of Hungarian medium tanks of World War II. They were produced in two main variants: the original 40M Turán (or Turán I) with a 40 mm gun and later the 41M Turán (or Turán II) with a short-barreled 75 mm gun, improved armour and a new turret. A total of 285 40M Turán I tanks were made. [2] .
Turan II | War Thunder Wiki
It has a short barrel 75 mm gun that can fire powerful HEAT shells with a short reload time, similar to the early Pz.IVs from Germany or the Ho-I from Japan. The Turán II boasts good mobility, excellent reverse speed and adequate armour protection, making it a well-rounded medium tank worthy of it being sometimes referred to as "the Hungarian MBT".
Turan II - War Thunder Wiki
It has a short barrel 75 mm gun that can fire powerful HEAT shells with a short reload time, similar to the early Pz.IVs from Germany or the Ho-I from Japan. The Turán II boasts good mobility, excellent reverse speed and adequate armour protection, making it a well-rounded medium tank worthy of it being sometimes referred to as "the Hungarian MBT".
41M Turan II - WW2 Weapons
Hungarian medium tank Turan I and II. History, development, service, specifications, statistics, pictures and 3D-model of 41M Turan II. Turan II tank full loaded with Hungarian soldiers during the retreating fighting. During World War II, Hungary was initially a non-belligerent nation but later joined the Axis powers in 1941.
二战匈牙利坦克(3)——Turan中型坦克 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Turan II. Turan II线图 尽管研发工作从1941年就开始,第一辆突朗2直到1943年5月才开始生产。总共有322辆订单,但是到1944年只有139辆完工。当突朗2参战时,很明显其主炮火力不足,只能在500米内有效击穿特34坦克。
突朗系列坦克 - 百度百科
这两种坦克是一九三八年捷克斯洛伐克陆军新型中型坦克的竞标项目,都是16.5吨、四名乘员、装备47毫米vz.38坦克炮,外形也相似。 但V-8-H使用布拉卡公司的V型液冷八筒引擎,而S-II-c使用CKD公司自制的引擎,两者都是240马力。 结果V-8-H中标,得到“STvz.39”的名称并下了三百辆的订单。 但由于一九三九年德国-捷克合并而没有量产。 这主要是由于德国对V-8-H评价不高所致。 CDK公司为收回成本,在一九四 年把未中标的S-II-c前装甲由二 …
40M/41M Turán - tank-afv.com
The 41M Turán II first appeared in May 1943, was produced to an extent of 139 between 1943 and 1944, ending with the Soviet occupation of Hungary. The Turan III was the last, upgraded version, equipped with a derivative of the German 75 …
【战争雷霆-开发日志】41.M 图兰 II(第六季战斗通行证) - 哔哩 …
性能全面无短板的Turán II将作为下期战斗通行证的奖励之一加入War Thunder,各位久等了! 概述:1940年代早期水平的中型坦克方案,搭配75毫米大口径主炮,是War Thunder匈牙利坦克家族中的重量级打手。 41.M 图兰 II,中型坦克,意大利,高级载具,II级. 载具特点: 历史背景: 1940年代初,匈牙利军方决定基于新引进的捷克斯洛伐克T-21方案开发一款自己的中型坦克。 项目的技术验证车顺利通过了初步测试并对设计做出了少量改进,改装包括更换匈牙利自产的40 …
Turan II - onwar.com
FIREPOWER; Primary Armament: 75mm 41M 75/25: Ammunition Carried: 56: Traverse (degrees) (360°) Elevation (degrees)-10° to +30° Traverse speed (360°) n.a.
41M Turán II - Tanks in World War 2
2012年8月11日 · Using the chassis of the 40M Turán I, a more powerful 75 mm tank gun was installed in a new, larger turret. Due to the limitations of the turret ring diameter of the chassis, however, only a short, low-velocity gun could be fitted. Thus, like its predecessor, the 41M Turán II was still incapable to going up against the Russian T-34.