Command Pattern for undo/redo in paint application
2014年12月11日 · The details of the paint operation for purposes of redo (e.g. Line -> start & end points, free form line -> GeneralPath) The state of the component prior to the change for undo. In this case, that will be a small snapshot image of the area affected by the command.
Paint Pixels to Screen via Linux FrameBuffer - Stack Overflow
I was recently struck by a curious idea to take input from /dev/urandom, convert relevant characters to random integers, and use those integers as the rgb/x-y values for pixels to paint onto the sc...
matrix - Scale and mirror SVG object - Stack Overflow
2017年8月2日 · Meet "Tux" the pinguin. For the sake of this exercise I painted the letters "L" and "R" on his feet. For starters, let's paint Tux in the center of our canvas. If the canvas is size 500x500, and if Tux has a size of 100x100 we have to position him at (200,200). (i.e. the center minus half its size.)
Draw background of custom View from .png file on Android
2012年1月26日 · Somehow g.setBitmap(bg) keeps failing, I haven't looked at the image specs, but actually it's just a tux image (no 24 bits colors) of PNG format. Can someone give me some tips how to add a background image so I can draw on it? Thank you.
How to add a shadow and a border on circular imageView android?
2013年7月15日 · I created a CircularImageView with this question: Create circular image view in android Download project on GitHub 1) This is the CircularImageView class : public class CircularImageView extends
How to fix "ssh: connect to host github.com port 22: Connection …
The main reason was the change from the proxy installed by the company recently, which has blocked other ssh connections other than those to the company domain.
Open an image in Paint, saving the image and closing Paint using C#
As stated in the title of the question I have a doubt regarding Paint. In C# I would like to: 1- Open an existent .jpg image in Paint. 2- Save the image in the same format using Paint. 3- Leave Paint open for 1 second. 4- Close Paint. So far I only know how to do the first step and I have no idea about how to do the rest. You help is greatly ...
simulation - Smooth movement in Java - Stack Overflow
2011年2月7日 · Fox is the predator and Tux is the prey. */ public class Game { private Env env; private boolean finished; private ArrayList<Creature> creatures; /** * Constructor for the Game class. It sets up the foxes and tuxes.
How can I display a tux character in a shell script?
2014年12月28日 · U+E000, the first character of the Private Use Area, is a Tux symbol in the Linux Libertine and Linux Biolinum fonts. These fonts are included in the fonts-linuxlibertine package in Debian and Ubuntu. This won't help the OP's use case as these are not monospace fonts, but I'm posting this in case someone else needs this character.
How to display brush at cursor before actually paint?
2021年7月1日 · Drawing is fine. But If you look at MS-Paint, will see a brush at center of the cursor. It always show but it's not paint to picturebox until mouse down. If you change brush size or color, you can see a preview at the cursor. How to show brush stroke without paint?