Type 99 tank - Wikipedia
The Type 99 is based on the Soviet T-72 chassis. [7] The tank entered People's Liberation Army (PLA) service in 2001. [6] The People's Liberation Army Ground Force (PLAGF) is the sole operator of the Type 99. Three main versions of the Type 99 have been deployed: the Type 98 prototype, Type 99 and the Type 99A. The Type 99 forms the core of ...
ZTZ-99主战坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
与另一款较新的主战坦克 96式 相比,其制造成本与性能更高,它具备优异的防弹外型,其炮塔和车体均采用第三代 复合装甲,是中国陆军集团军重型合成旅的主要突击力量,被称为中国陆战王牌。 99式主战坦克及其后续型号在 1999年国庆50周年阅兵式 以来历次阅兵上均为装甲方阵第一方队,体现出99式在解放军中的重要地位。 其重大改进型ZTZ-99A坦克在2014年 “和平使命-2014”联合军演 中首次公开亮相 [6]。 中越战爭 时,解放军仍大量装备第一代的 59式坦克, 中国人民解 …
小白也能分得清!99?99A?99A2?99G?9910??ZTZ99家族的 …
1999年国庆大阅兵上曝光的这种原型车,可以说是99式的原型机。 据称,当时它甚至尚未彻底完成测试和最终调试,不过其基本的形制已经可以算作是定下来了——125mm滑膛炮,西式风格,拥有复合装甲保护的焊接炮塔,车长独立热像仪,独特的盒型激光压制系统赋予了它超越目标对手T72B及T80早期型的攻防,索敌能力,但底盘上则仍然未能摆脱苏式风格的影响。 原型车的外形和后续的型号相比非常容易分辨,它的炮塔方正,缺乏后续型号的 楔形反应装甲,车体上也没 …
Type 99 MBT (2001) - tank-afv.com
Type 99G, is sometimes referred as Type 99A, Type 99A1 and Type 99A2. The description of its improvements, fire control, targeting and countermeasures systems, autonomous commander thermal imaging viewer, raised and more compact engine compartment are all checking the boxes for the Type 99A and its other denominations used in the West or in China.
ZTZ99 Main Battle Tank - Army Technology
Type 99A is a predecessor to the Type 99A1 and successor to the Type 99G MBT. Built by China Northern Industries Group Corporation (CNGC), the ZTZ99G has newly designed features and active protection system (APS). The new tank is larger with an …
99式主战坦克 - 百度百科
99式主战坦克(英语:Type 99 Main Battle Tank),是ZTZ-99式主战坦克(《全军武器装备命名规定》汉语拼音:主战坦克装甲车——Zhǔ Tǎn Zhuāng的缩写)的简称,是中国人民解放军陆军的新一代主战坦克。
99G式主战坦克 - 百度百科
99G式主战坦克是我国最先进的 第三代主战坦克 - 99式主战坦克 的最新改进型,与中国先前装备的坦克相比,99G装备功率更加强大的1500匹马力涡轮增压 柴油发动机,机动性更强, 火控系统 更先进,炮塔前部采用与德国“豹II”类似的楔形设计并加装 反应装甲,故而防护力极高。 二十世纪八十年代以来,世界各国装备的主战坦克大部分已经进入了战后 第三代主战坦克。 为了尽快赶上世界各国第三代主战坦克的步伐,中国加紧了第三代主战坦克的研制。 与中国先前装备的坦克 …
Type 99 Main Battle Tank - GlobalSecurity.org
Developed from technology developed in a number of Chinese MBTs, the Type 99 was originally mistaken as a continuation of the Type 98 series (sometimes referred to as Type 98G). The Type 99...
NORINCO ZTZ-99 (Type 99) Main Battle Tank (MBT) - Military Factory
2023年4月24日 · The first production forms were marked simply as Type 99, Type 99A1, or Type 99G and showcased applique armor at the wedge-shaped turret, added a modern thermal sighting device, mated the engine to a semi-automatic gearbox, and supported 3rd Generation Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) blocks for enhanced survivability.
Type 99 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The Type 99G, also known as ZTZ-99G, is an improved version introduced in 2008 that features a laser warning system against laser-guided anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs). In addition the 54-ton tank has been provided with improved armor, re-designed observation system and an active protection system against ATGMs.