Type IX submarine - Wikipedia
The Type IX U-boat was designed by Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine in 1935 and 1936 as a large ocean-going submarine for sustained operations far from the home support facilities. Type IX …
German Type IX U-Boat - history, specification and photos
The Type IX was designed with two objectives in mind – to be the long range counterpart to the medium-range Type VII, and to serve as a tactical command boat for the leader of a wolf pack. …
Type IX U-Boats - Naval Encyclopedia
2019年12月22日 · The Type IX were German Kriegsmarine U-Boats built by Deschimag, Bremen and other yards for long range ASW warfare during WW2 (about 200 built 1938-45).
Type IX U-boat - HistoryNet
2016年4月29日 · Although the ubiquitous German Type VII Unterseeboot was a successful submarine fully capable of crossing the ocean during the 1939–45 Battle of the Atlantic, its …
USB Type-C - 百度百科
USB Type-C是一种USB接口外形标准,拥有比Type-A及Type-B均小的体积,既可以应用于PC(主设备)又可以应用于外部设备(从设备,如手机)的接口类型。 USB Type-C有4 …
Type IX long range boats - U-boat Types - German U-boats of …
All type IX U-boats. Below you can see the 8 commissioned U-boats of this type. U-37, U-38, U-39, U-40, U-41, U-42, U-43, and U-44.
Predators of the High Seas: The Type IX U-Boats
2011年2月17日 · Type IXC The Type IXC was a further improvement of the type with additional fuel capacity and longer range. They displaced 1120 tons and 54 of the boats were …
Kriegsmarine Submarines - German U-Boats Type 9 - Battlefleet
Type 9C / 40 was a slight modification of Type IXC with a slightly increased range and somewhat higher surface speed. 87 of this type were built by AG Weser and Seebeck Yard of Bremen, …
Type IXC/40 - uboat.net
These boats were a slight modification of the type IX C boats. They had a slightly increased range, somewhat higher surface speed and were a bit heavier at 1545 tons fully loaded and …
09III型核潜艇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
09III型核潜艇 (北约代号: 商级, 英文: Shang-class)是 中国人民解放军海军 研制的一种攻击型 核潜艇,由位于中国 辽宁 葫芦岛 的 渤海造船重工业公司 船坞负责建造,用来代替老旧的 …