Type IX submarine - Wikipedia
The Type IX U-boat was designed by Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine in 1935 and 1936 as a large ocean-going submarine for sustained operations far from the home support facilities. Type IX boats were briefly used for patrols off the eastern United States in an attempt to disrupt the stream of troops and supplies bound for Europe.
German Type IX U-Boat - history, specification and photos
The Type IX was designed with two objectives in mind – to be the long range counterpart to the medium-range Type VII, and to serve as a tactical command boat for the leader of a wolf pack. After the fall of France, the second requirement became unnecessary as the powerful land based transmitters on the French coast meant that tactical command ...
Type IX U-Boats - Naval Encyclopedia
2019年12月22日 · The Type IX were German Kriegsmarine U-Boats built by Deschimag, Bremen and other yards for long range ASW warfare during WW2 (about 200 built 1938-45).
Type IX U-boat - HistoryNet
2016年4月29日 · Although the ubiquitous German Type VII Unterseeboot was a successful submarine fully capable of crossing the ocean during the 1939–45 Battle of the Atlantic, its crew had to operate under extremely cramped conditions (as graphically depicted in writer-director Wolfgang Petersen’s 1981 war film Das Boot), and the Kriegsmarine desired a ...
USB Type-C - 百度百科
USB Type-C是一种USB接口外形标准,拥有比Type-A及Type-B均小的体积,既可以应用于PC(主设备)又可以应用于外部设备(从设备,如手机)的接口类型。 USB Type-C有4对TX/RX分线,2对USBD+/D-,一对SBU,2个CC,另外还有4个VBUS和4个地线。
Type IX long range boats - U-boat Types - German U-boats of …
All type IX U-boats. Below you can see the 8 commissioned U-boats of this type. U-37, U-38, U-39, U-40, U-41, U-42, U-43, and U-44.
Predators of the High Seas: The Type IX U-Boats
2011年2月17日 · Type IXC The Type IXC was a further improvement of the type with additional fuel capacity and longer range. They displaced 1120 tons and 54 of the boats were commissioned of which 19 were equipped as minelayers with a capacity of 44 TMA or 66 TMB mines. The boats were built by AG Weser Bremen, Seebeckwerft Bremen and Deutsche Werft Hamburg.
Kriegsmarine Submarines - German U-Boats Type 9 - Battlefleet
Type 9C / 40 was a slight modification of Type IXC with a slightly increased range and somewhat higher surface speed. 87 of this type were built by AG Weser and Seebeck Yard of Bremen, and Deutsche Werft of Hamburg. Type 9D was significantly longer and heavier than the IXC/40.
Type IXC/40 - uboat.net
These boats were a slight modification of the type IX C boats. They had a slightly increased range, somewhat higher surface speed and were a bit heavier at 1545 tons fully loaded and submerged. As for most U-boat types the deck gun was …
09III型核潜艇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
09III型核潜艇 (北约代号: 商级, 英文: Shang-class)是 中国人民解放军海军 研制的一种攻击型 核潜艇,由位于中国 辽宁 葫芦岛 的 渤海造船重工业公司 船坞负责建造,用来代替老旧的 09I型核潜艇。 第一艘09III型核潜艇于1998年12月开工建造,2003年12月建成下水。 该型艇可能配备有六个鱼雷发射管,携带多种型号的 鱼雷 、 水雷 和潜射 反舰导弹,其改进型号09IIIB型装备 鹰击-18B型反舰导弹。 09III型核潜艇采用拉长水滴形船壳,围壳舵、锥尾、单轴单桨、尾十字舵。 …