U-28A Draco > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
The U-28A is a modified, single-engine Pilatus PC-12 aircraft and is part of the Air Force Special Operations Command manned, airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance fleet. The U-28A provides manned fixed-wing tactical airborne ISR support to humanitarian operations, search and rescue and conventional and special operation missions.
U-28A - USAF Special Operations
The U-28A is a militarized version of the commerically-available Pilatus PC-12. It has been fitted with advanced sensors, navigation gear, survivability aids and communications equipment to enable its special operations role. One of the U-28A roles is the insertion, extraction and resupply of Special Operations Forces (SOF).
Meet The First-Ever U-28 Spy Plane Crews to Receive the DFC
2023年11月21日 · Airmen who operate the U-28 Draco spy plane usually do so in the shadows, providing intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) in support of special operations ground troops, search and rescue, and humanitarian missions. But 10 Airmen made history Nov. 17 by becoming the first Draco crews to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross.
U-28A - Military.com
The U-28A provides a manned fixed wing, on-call/surge capability for tactical airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance in support of special operations forces.
美国空军皮拉图斯PC-12(美国空军使用U-28A)涡轮螺旋桨飞机 …
2021年2月22日 · u-28a是一台经过改进的单引擎飞机,是空军特种作战司令部(afsoc)有人机载情报,监视和侦察(isr)机队的一部分。 该飞机为人道主义行动,搜寻和救援以及常规和特殊行动任务提供有人值守的固定翼战术ISR支援。
U-28 A > 10th Air Force > Display
The U-28A provides a manned fixed wing, on-call/surge capability for Improved Tactical Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance in support of Special Operations Forces. The U-28A is a modified, single-engine Pilatus PC-12 that operates worldwide.
AFSOC | Fact Sheets - Air Force Special Operations Command
2021年3月23日 · The U-28A is a modified, single-engine Pilatus PC-12 aircraft and is part of the Air Force Special Operations Command manned, airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance fleet. Descriptions, facts, and history of all Air Force Special Operations Command, its active aircraft, and its emblem.
AFSOC welcomes "Draco" to the fleet > Air Force Special …
2019年6月19日 · A U-28A Draco fixed-wing aircraft, assigned to the 34th Special Operations Squadron, takes off from Hurlburt Field, Florida, Oct. 18, 2018. The U-28A Draco provides airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance in support of humanitarian operations, search and rescue, and special operations missions.
About the Pilatus U-28A Draco: A Revolutionary Aircraft
The Pilatus U-28A Draco is a unique ISR aircraft operated by the U.S. Air Force. Derived from the civilian PC-12, this article takes an in-depth look at the Draco. In aviation, certain aircraft emerge as pioneers, reshaping the landscape of aerial capabilities and operational versatility.
Pilatus U-28A Draco aviation photos on JetPhotos
Note: Very nice little U-28 seen on short final runway 33. It came it two other Pilatus and a C130 to cross the Atlantic Ocean as "REACH1017"