German submarine U-3523 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-3523 was a Type XXI U-boat (one of the "Elektroboote") of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine, built for service in World War II. She was ordered on 6 November 1943, and …
Wreck of Nazi Germany’s Most Advanced U-Boat Discovered
2018年4月24日 · As George Dvorsky at Gizmodo reports, U-3523 was a type XXI U-boat, the Third Reich’s most advanced long-range submarine. Some researchers have speculated that …
U 3523 – Wikipedia
U 3523 war ein deutsches U-Boot vom Typ XXI, das von der Kriegsmarine in der Ostsee eingesetzt wurde. Es wurde am 6. Mai 1945, einen Tag nach der Teilkapitulation im Norden …
The Type XXI U-boat U-3523 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat…
5 May 1945 The target of the attack by a British Liberator bomber (RAF 206/T) on 5 May 1945 in position 56.59N, 11.48E, formerly credited with the sinking of U-534, was in fact U-3523, which …
Missing German Nazi submarine U-boat U-3523 mystery solved…
2018年4月19日 · The Sea War Museum Jutland, in northern Denmark, says researchers found the German U-boat U-3523 on the seafloor just north of the country earlier this month. The …
Nazi Germany's Most High-Tech Submarine Has Been Found …
2018年4月19日 · Two days before the Allied forces declared victory over Nazi Germany at the end of World War II, a high-tech German submarine set out from Denmark on a mysterious …
海上消失73年! 希特勒「逃跑搭的潛艇U-3523」找到了 | ETtoday …
2018年4月26日 · 外媒報導,丹麥日德蘭海洋戰爭博物館(Sea War Museum Jutland)13日於丹麥最北端城市斯卡恩(Skagen)以北10海浬處發現德國U型潛艦「U-3523」的殘骸。 「U-3523 …
“希特勒潜艇”现身丹麦 传纳粹德国高官曾坐它逃跑,内或藏有大量 …
2018年4月19日 · 4月16日据【参考消息】报道,丹麦TV2电视台报称第三帝国将领乘坐逃跑的德国U-3523潜艇在斯卡格拉克海峡海底被发现。 此外,据俄罗斯卫星通讯社报道,发现潜艇的是日 …
German submarine U-3523 - Military Wiki
German submarine U-3523 was a Type XXI U-boat (one of the "Elektroboote") of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine, built for service in World War II. She was ordered on 6 November 1943, and …
Wreck of Rare Advanced German U-Boat Found Off Denmark.
2018年4月13日 · They have identified the wreckage of one of the most technologically advanced German submarines of World War II, the U-3523. The submarine was found with its bow …