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[ɪ] vs. [iy] Vowel Sounds | English Pronunciation Lesson
Use this lesson to improve distinguishing the pronunciation of the commonly mixed up vowel sounds: [iy] vs. [ɪ] (ex: "sleep" vs. "slip").LESSON TEXT: https:/...
英语音标 /u/ 和 /ʊ/ 之间,/ɪ/ 和 /i/ 之间有什么区别? - 知乎
根据维基百科的Received Pronunciation条目,/i:/和/u:/是长元音(long vowel),/i/、/ɪ/、/u/、/ʊ/均为短元音(short vowel)。 其中,/ɪ/和/ʊ/是重读元音(stressed vowel),/i/和/u/是非重读元音(unstressed vowel)。
The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary - Carnegie Mellon University
The Carnegie Mellon University Pronouncing Dictionary is an open-source machine-readable pronunciation dictionary for North American English that contains over 134,000 words and their pronunciations. CMUdict is being actively maintained and expanded. We are open to suggestions, corrections and other input.
Vowel Sound /iy/ – Eva Easton's American English Pronunciation
2019年2月26日 · Vowel sound /iy/ is everywhere. Learn all the places where it exists and practice vowel sound /iy/.
李知恩(IU),1993年5月16日出生于韩国首尔特别市,毕业于同德女子高等学校,韩国流行乐女歌手、影视演员、节目主持人。 [118] 2008年9月,在音乐节目《M! Countdown》中演唱歌曲《迷儿》,由此正式出道。 随后,发行首张迷你专辑《Lost And Found》。 [140] 2009年4月,发行首张正规专辑《Growing Up》。 [1] 2010年末,迷你专辑《Real》主打歌《好日子》连续五周位居韩国Gaon榜榜首。 2011年1月,首次出演校园剧《dream high》。 [86] 2012年-2017年,担 …
/iy/ - American English Sounds
The sound /iy/ is a high, front, tense vowel. Lift your tongue to the top of your mouth. Spread your lips wide, like a smile. Tighten your tongue. Breathe out to make the vowel. This vowel is usually stressed, as in these words: However, /iy/ can also be unstressed. In an unstressed syllable, /iy/ is pronounced quickly and softly.
Sound IY | English Language: Pronunciation - YouTube
Let’s practice the words that sound like (IY). Learn English Language with SOLEX College https://www.solex.edu/category/englis......more.
Appendix:Variations of "iy" - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
The word “iy” appears in many languages with many variations in the use of capitalization, punctuation, and diacritics. Capitalization and punctuation [edit] iy; iY; Iy; IY; iy--iy; Diacritics [edit] îy; ıy; See also [edit] Appendix:Variations of "i" Appendix:Variations of "y"