German submarine U-117 (1941) - Wikipedia
German submarine U-117 was a Type XB minelaying U-boat of Nazi Germany 's Kriegsmarine during World War II. She was ordered on 31 January 1939, and laid down on 1 July 1939, at Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft, Kiel, as yard number 616.
SM U-117 - Wikipedia
SM U-117 was a Type UE II long-range minelayer submarine of the Imperial German Navy. She was laid down in 1917, at Hamburg, Germany, by Aktiengesellschaft Vulcan and launched on 10 December 1917. She was commissioned in the Imperial German Navy on 28 March 1918, with Kapitänleutnant Otto Dröscher in command.
U-117号潜艇 (1917年) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
陛下之117号潜艇 (德語: SM U 117[註 1])是 德意志帝国海军 建造的 UE-II型 远程布雷 潜艇 或称 U艇 的 首艇。 它由 汉堡 的 伏尔铿船厂 承建,于1917年12月10日 下水,至1918年3月28日 交付使用。 U-117号是在 第一次世界大战 期间服役的 329艘德国潜艇 之一,曾参加过 大西洋潜艇战。 在其仅有的一次巡逻中,共击沉20艘 协约国 或 中立国 商船, 容积总吨 为27459吨。 战后,U-117号被引渡至美国,并继续为 美国海军 服役,直至1921年6月21日作为 靶舰 在 查尔斯角 …
U-117~U-119 - 哔哩哔哩
u-117最终被敌机的声导反潜鱼雷击沉,艇上全部61人阵亡,不过去了u-66上的福热克斯中尉则捡回一命,带着u-66安全回港。 遭美军机攻击的U-117(右)与U-66
The Type XB U-boat U-117 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
Sunk 7 August 1943 in the North Atlantic, in position 39.42N, 38.21W while supplying U-66 by depth charges and a Fido homing torpedo from five Avenger aircraft of the US escort carrier USS Card. 62 dead (all hands lost).
Type XB U-Boats (1941) - Naval Encyclopedia
Germany (1939-45): U-116, U-117, U-118, U-119, U-219, U-220, U-233, U-234. The Type X (XB) U-boats were a special type of German submarines of WW2 originally designed as long-range minelayers, but later used as long-range cargo transports as the Type IXD U-Boats, Italian Romolo-class submarines and several Japanese Types.
German submarine U-117 (1941) | Military Wiki | Fandom
German submarine U-117 was a Type XB minelaying U-boat of the Nazi German Kriegsmarine during World War II. She was ordered on 31 January 1939, and laid down on 1 July 1939, at Germaniawerft, Kiel, as "Werk 616". She was launched on 22 July 1941 and commissioned under the command of...
German submarine U-117 (1941) - Wikiwand
German submarine U-117 was a Type XB minelaying U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during World War II. Quick Facts History, Nazi Germany ... U-117 (right) and U-66 under attack by aircraft from the USS Card on 7 August 1943
U 117 (U-Boot, 1941) – Wikipedia
U 117 war ein deutsches U-Boot vom Typ X B, einer Klasse von U-Boot-Minenlegern, das im Zweiten Weltkrieg von der deutschen Kriegsmarine eingesetzt wurde. Auf seinen fünf Feindfahrten beschädigte es zwei Schiffe mit 14.269 BRT, wobei auf einem britischen Schiff mit Rüstungsgütern 46 Menschen starben.
U-117 (World War I Prize Submarine) - NHHC
U-117, a UE-II series long-range minelayer submarine, was laid down in 1917 at Hamburg, Germany, by Aktiengesellschaft Vulcan; launched on 10 December 1917; and commissioned in the Imperial...