German submarine U-166 (1941) - Wikipedia
German submarine U-166 was a Type IXC U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during World War II. The submarine was laid down on 6 December 1940 at the Seebeckwerft (part of Deutsche Schiff- und Maschinenbau AG , Deschimag) at Wesermünde (modern Bremerhaven) as yard number 705, launched on 1 November 1941, and commissioned on 23 March 1942 ...
The Type IXC U-boat U-166 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
The discovery of U-166 (June 10, 2001) This boat was finally discovered and documented in late May 2001 after many years of unsuccessful research and wreck-hunting. The wreck was located some 45 miles south of the mouth of Mississippi River, by C & C Technologies, with their AUV, during oil survey work for BP Amoco and Shell.
U-166號潛艇 (1941年) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
u-166號潛艇(德語: u 166 )是一艘納粹德國在第二次世界大戰期間建造的ix-c型 u艇,於1940年12月6日在韦瑟门德 澤貝克造船廠動工,1941年11月1日下水,1942年3月23日
Sunken Remains of German U-boat U-166 In the Depths of the …
On July 30, 1942, U-166 torpedoed Robert E. Lee just south of the Mississippi River Delta, causing the ship to sink beneath the water’s surface. Her escort, the submarine chaser PC-566, launched a counterattack, with skipper Lt. Cmdr. Herbert G. Claudius claiming to have sunk the U-boat with depth charges. Navy officials didn’t believe this ...
U-166号潜艇 (1941年) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
U-166号潜艇 (德语: U 166)是一艘 纳粹德国 在 第二次世界大战 期间建造的 IX-C型 U型潜艇,于1940年12月6日在 韦瑟门德 泽贝克造船厂 动工,1941年11月1日下水,1942年3月23日服役,艇长为海军中尉汉斯-金特·屈尔曼(Hans-Günther Kuhlmann)。 在 第4潜艇区舰队 完成训练后,它被调配到 第10潜艇区舰队 并派往前线。 U-166号只在被击沉前只执行了两次巡逻任务,它共击沉4艘船只, 容积总吨 累计达7,593吨 [2]。 它在1942年7月30日于 墨西哥湾 被击沉 [5]。 …
Discovering U-Boat 166 | NOVA - PBS
2015年5月7日 · Hitler’s U-Boats sank 609 allied ships in American-protected waters during WWII. More than 5,000 lives were lost and over 3 million tons of cargo never reached its destination, as Hitler...
The U-166 - NOAA Ocean Exploration
As the only U-boat lost in the Gulf of Mexico, the U-166 represents an important piece of Louisiana and U.S. maritime history.
U-166 (1942) - Microbiome Analysis Center
U-166 was a Type IXC German U-boat dispatched to the Gulf of Mexico in the summer of 1942 to attack Allied ships and disrupt the transportation of goods and materials out of American ports. Hitler’s U-boat campaign sent 24 U-boats to the Gulf, ultimately sinking 56 merchant ships and damaging many others.
谁击沉了谁?还原U-166号的死亡之旅 - 百家号
2019年6月16日 · u-166号是一艘崭新的ixc型远洋潜艇,这种潜艇是德国海军当时最大的作战艇,水下排水量1200多吨。u-166号42年3月23日才投入现役,之前只进行过一次训练性质的战斗巡逻,6月1日她从挪威克里斯蒂安松出发,10日到达法国洛里昂的第10潜艇舰队基地,途中波澜不惊。
72 Years Later, Snubbed Captain Credited With Downing German U …
2014年12月19日 · On July 30, 1942, U-boat U-166 attacked the Robert E. Lee southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi. The passenger ship sank, taking 25 lives (404 survived). Claudius and his crew fought back...