German submarine U-172 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-172 was a Type IXC U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine during World War II. She was first assigned to the 4th U-boat Flotilla for training and on 1 May 1942 was …
The Type IXC U-boat U-172 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
Sunk on 13 December 1943, after a hunt of 27 hours, in the Atlantic west of Canary Islands, in position 26.29N, 29.58W, by depth charges and Fido homing torpedoes from Avenger and …
U-172 — Википедия
U-172 — большая океанская немецкая подводная лодка типа IX-C, времён Второй мировой войны. Заказ на постройку лодки был отдан судостроительной компании АГ Везер в …
各艘U艇故事与结局 U-172 - 哔哩哔哩
C2货船“桑塔·瑞塔”号 U-172至此踏上归途,于7月21日返回了洛里昂军港,72天内击沉敌船9艘,40619t。 U-172的第三次巡逻于8月19日开始,这次她作为“北极熊”集群的一部分,远征南 …
大洋斩狼-猎杀U-172 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
特别任务组21.13击沉德U-172潜艇, U-172是一艘IX C级远洋潜艇,排水量1120顿, 6具鱼雷发射管,由Oberleutnant z.S.*Hermann Hoffman指挥,1943年12月13日在 北纬26度 01分'和西 …
U-boat Archive - U-172
U-172 under attack by aircraft from USS Bogue, December 13, 1943. U-172 surfaces after 24 hours under attack . U-172 circles trailing oil as the crew abandons ship. U-172 sinking . …
U型潜艇 - 百度百科
u型潜艇中德国于1915年建造的u-35型潜艇在一战期间曾对协约国的舰船造成了毁灭性打击,向全世界表明了潜艇在现代战争中可能发挥的巨大军事作用和潜力,因此被认为是现代潜艇技术发 …
U艇中的巡洋舰:德国海军XI型远洋潜艇计划始末 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年4月15日 · 实际上一战时期的炮击战已经证明潜艇载炮的命中率有多么低下:1918年,u-155曾对一艘货船发射了172发炮弹,仅4发命中。 这幅画作反映了U-139在1918年10月1日攻 …
Submarine U-172 | World War II Database - WW2DB
2019年7月31日 · German submarine U-172 arrived at the site of U-604's scuttling in the Atlantic Ocean, picking up survivors. They were detected by the Liberator bomber piloted by …
U-boat Archive - U-172 - Interrogation Report
U-172, a 750-ton U-boat commanded by Oberleutnant z. S.* Hermann Hoffman, was sunk 1221 Z, 13 December 1943 in 26019’ N., 29058’ N. by escorts of U.S.S. BOUGE and aircraft from …