German submarine U-190 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-190 was a Type IXC/40 U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine built for service during World War II. [3] Her keel was laid down on 7 October 1941 by DeSchiMAG AG Weser of Bremen. She was launched on 8 June 1942 and commissioned on 24 September 1942 with Kapitänleutnant Max Wintermeyer in command.
The Type IXC/40 U-boat U-190 - German U-boats of WWII
U-190 was sunk by the Royal Canadian Navy on 21 October 1947 as a training exercise called "Operation Scuttled". The site chosen was the position off Halifax where she sank HMCS Esquimalt in 1945, the last Canadian vessel lost to enemy action in WW2.
各艘U艇故事与结局 U-188~U-192,主角为U-188 - 哔哩哔哩
U 190 – Wikipedia
U 190 war ein deutsches U-Boot vom Typ IX C/40, das während des Zweiten Weltkriegs von der Kriegsmarine eingesetzt wurde. Das Boot diente nach dem Krieg knapp zwei Jahre lang in der Royal Canadian Navy .
German submarine U-190 - Wikiwand
German submarine U-190 was a Type IXC/40 U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine built for service during World War II.
Articles - uboat.net
U-190 was launched in Germany on 3 June 1942. It was a type IXC/40 U-Boat, of which a total of 144 were manufactured. (See Appendix A for specifications). It left Germany on its first operational patrol on 20 February 1943, returning to its base at Lorient, France on 30 March.
【战舰世界】13.11 版本全潜艇加点及配件推荐(包含金币潜艇/特 …
1.德国银币潜艇(u-69,u-190,u-2501) 德国潜艇舰长加点 德国潜艇是最推荐萌新上手的潜艇,因为本身使用 远程ping雷 的玩法和蓄电池消耗品增加潜水时间,让德国潜艇的 强度和容错率 都非常之高。
弥足珍贵:德国纳X 海军 U -190 艇UDF 7X50望远镜的 前世今生!!
2017年5月13日 · 简单介绍一下当年德国纳粹海军狼群之一u-190艇的概况.该艇于1940年开始铺设龙骨建造,大约两年时间1942年秋天正式服役,排水量是1275t 76米长, 7,5米宽,装备 ...
U-190 - 戰艦詳細資料 - WoWS Numbers - ASIA
領艦 U-190 在 1942 至 1945 年間完成了 6 次作戰巡邏,並擊沉了 2 艘盟軍艦艇。 1945 年 5 月 19 日,此巡洋艦向一艘加拿大護衛艦投降,並作為戰利品被正式納入加拿大海軍。 Typ 8 Mod. ... WoWS Stats & Numbers - 戰艦世界戰績瀏覽和進度追蹤的最佳綫上工具。 擁有排行榜,艦船統計與配置說明,排名戰與團隊戰鬥,還有更多.
U-190 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
U-190 is the tech tree Tier VIII U-boat for the German submarine branch. She is well equipped in terms of offense, having access to homing and conventional torpedoes, and also has access to Reserve Battery Unit .