German submarine U-744 - Wikipedia
German submarine U-744 was a type VIIC U-boat, launched on 11 March 1943, commanded by Oberleutnant zur See Heinz Blischke. German Type VIIC submarines were preceded by the shorter Type VIIB submarines. U-744 had a displacement of 769 tonnes (757 long tons) when at the surface and 871 tonnes (857 long tons) while submerged. [1] .
The Type VIIC U-boat U-744 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
Sunk at 1830hrs on 6 March 1944 in the North Atlantic west of Ireland, in position 52.01N, 22.37W, by a torpedo from the British destroyer HMS Icarus, after attempts to tow the boat to port failed.
U 744 – Wikipedia
U 744 war ein deutsches U-Boot vom Typ VII C der deutschen Kriegsmarine, das während des Zweiten Weltkriegs eingesetzt wurde. Auf seinen beiden Unternehmungen versenkte es ein Handelsschiff mit 7359 BRT und einem Toten sowie ein Kriegsschiff mit 1625 t und 88 Toten.
U 744 – U-Boot-Archiv Wiki
U 744, unter Oberleutnant zur See Heinz Blischke, lief am 02.12.1943 von Kiel aus. Nach dem Marsch über die Ostsee, sowie Brennstoffergänzung in Kristiansand, operierte das Boot im Nordatlantik und westlich von Irland. Es gehörte zu den …
German submarine U-744 | Military Wiki | Fandom
German submarine U-744 was a type VIIC U-boat, launched on 11 March 1943, commanded by Heinz Blischke. She had two patrols, one from 5 June 1943 to 30 November 1943 and 1 December 1943 to 6 March 1944. She sank two ships in total, SS Empire Housman on 3 January 1944, and the landing ship tank LST 362 on 2 March 1944.
German submarine U-744 - Wikiwand
German submarine U-744 was a type VIIC U-boat, launched on 11 March 1943, commanded by Oberleutnant zur See Heinz Blischke. Quick Facts History, Nazi Germany ... Whaler from HMCS Chilliwack alongside captured German submarine U-744
Chasing U-744 - Legion Magazine
2019年3月6日 · U-744, commanded by Oberleutnant zur See Heinz Blischke, dove deep, manoeuvring to escape his attackers through that night and the next day. “I was on depth charges,” Charles Gaal of Chaudière said in a Memory Project interview.
Unterseeboot 744 — Wikipédia
L'Unterseeboot 744 ou U-744 est un sous-marin allemand de type VIIC utilisé par la Kriegsmarine pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le sous-marin fut commandé le 5 juin 1941 à Dantzig ( Schichau-Werke ), sa quille fut posée le 5 juin 1942 , il fut lancé le 11 mars 1943 , et mis en service le 5 juin 1943 , sous le commandement de l ...
Deutsche U-Boote 1935 - 1945 --------------------------- U-Boote ...
Am Morgen des 05.03.1944 gelang es U 744 an den Konvoi HX-380 heranzukommen. Etwa gegen 10:00 Uhr wurde es während des Heranschließens unter Wasser laufend, von dem kanadischen Zerstörer "HMCS Gatineau" mit Asdic geortet.
U-257, U-91, U-358, U -744 - Interrogation Report - U-boat Archive
U.744 sighted a convoy on 3rd March, 1944, consisting of four small tankers and two destroyers. The U-boat attacked with a spread of four torpedoes. All the prisoners were convinced that three of the tankers were sunk. One man entered the incident in his diary and another claimed that a fourth tanker was hit.