U0155 Error Code | Mercedes-Benz Forum - BenzWorld.org
2014年7月23日 · Recently I had code U0155 on my C230 2007. After going through the fuses which none of them were blown, it turned out that battery in my key fob was the cause of it - CR2025. After repalcing the battery in my key fob and removing the code the car starting runnung ok - problem solved.
Anyone get a U0155 code???? - Acura MDX SUV Forums
2008年5月13日 · U0155 Code Seems The MDX is not the only Honda/Acura vehicle with the U0155 code. I own a 2010 Honda Accord EXL 3.5 6 cyl. with the same problem. The whole instrument cluster quit. Only 6,000 miles on the car. Little upset that I spent 30K on a vehicle and now this happens. Dealer says it was a spike.
Code UO155 - Jeep Wrangler Forum
2016年10月28日 · Anybody had a problem with code uo155? Not finding much on it. Says:U0155 LOST COMMUNICATION WITH CLUSTER/CCN Gauges shut down and engine died. Started back up and hasnt done it again yet. Wife had the code cleared at her work. Any clues what to check? PCM or? Maybe a sensor?
U0155 problem corrected, still problems - Acura MDX SUV Forums
2012年6月28日 · Hey Guys, I recently had a U0155 problem with my 07 base MDX. my car wouldn't start and nothing displaying on my cluster but WELCOME lol. Anyways after trying to pinpoint the problem from the CAN to the PCM then the Cluster and finally the MICU i finally found that it was the Meter fuse under...
Keyless access issue with code U0155 (17 Mdx tech)
2022年9月3日 · Earlier this morning I checked the DTC and got a pair of codes using a scanner, actually just one (both are same) - U0155 Lost Communication with Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC) Control Module, not sure if it is present or generated when dissembled. Also does anyone know which fuse covers the reverse gear/camera?
U0155 Error Code | Mercedes-Benz Forum - BenzWorld.org
2023年5月8日 · i have a 2011 c300 and the engine light came on and the code is U0155 and then give secondary DTS's which are : U1046, C164, C141 and C121. can anyone help as I just put a new transfer case in for 4000 bucks.
U0184/U0164/U0155 + check TPMS system + airbag light
2015年7月26日 · U0155 - lost communications with cluster/ccn The radio, btw, is an Alpine 1DIN - not OEM at all, so not communicating with it is not a concern to me. Most recent major modification: Install Warn Zeon 8S winch.
2006 E350 U0155 / Rainwater | Mercedes-Benz Forum
2021年10月26日 · 2006 E350 U0155 / Rainwater Jump to Latest 3.7K views 8 replies 3 participants last post by aintnothin Oct 29, 2021
Gauges fail but jeep keeps running.. then dies.. - Jeep Wrangler …
2020年10月5日 · The gauges dropping out is probably the U0155. The others are O2 heater codes. Unfortunately, as Digger said it is almost certainly the PCM. Every U code I have seen resolved required a PCM replacement. Mostly same for those heater codes. When they pop up all together, never just one or even three that is a good indication it’s the PCM.
2007 E63 U0155 Error, Lost Comm with Instrument Cluster
2016年1月18日 · 2007 E63 U0155 Error, Lost Comm with Instrument Cluster Jump to Latest 6.3K views 2 replies 3 participants last post by mersum1es Jan 19, 2016