Lockheed U-2 - Wikipedia
Lockheed Corporation originally proposed the aircraft in 1953. It was approved in 1954, and its first test flight was in 1955. It was flown during the Cold War over the Soviet Union, China, Vietnam, and Cuba. In 1960, Gary Powers was shot down in a CIA U-2C over the Soviet Union by a surface-to-air missile (SAM).
SENIOR YEAR / AQUATONE / U-2 / TR-1 - Federation of …
It provides critical intelligence to decision makers through all phases of conflict, including peacetime indications and warnings, crises, low-intensity conflict and large-scale hostilities. When requested, the U-2 also has provided photographs to the Federal Emergency Management Agency in support of disaster relief.
美国TR-1侦察机 - 百度百科
TR-1是由 美国 洛克希德·马丁公司用U-2R 战略侦察机 改装的单发高空战术侦察机,可以在白天和夜晚连续观测敌方境内的纵深目标,确定出数百千米外目标的精确位置,支援地面和空中部队作战。 1979年洛克希德·马丁公司再次启用U-2飞机生产线用于TR-1的制造,1981年8月1日,首架TR-1A试飞,到1989年共生产出各型TR-l飞机34架。 该机采用正常气动布局, 机翼 为大展弦比中单翼,后缘襟翼分为四块,翼尖有着陆滑撬,翼下有短舱,外翼段有扶持轮,机身为圆截面全金属 …
U-2 or TR-1??? - Key.Aero
2003年3月16日 · TR-1 was designed to use the ASARS system, as well as other sensors in a tactical recce role. All TR-1's were redesignated U-2R a few years back as the airframe is the same.
Prototype single-engined, strategic reconnaissance aircraft for CIA and USAF. Designated as Article 341. by the CIA with a non-standard serial number. As U-2, production version with engine upgrade. Several used for CIA ops with civil regs. As U-2A, engine upgrade. Several used for CIA ops with civil regs.
lockheed u2 - What U-2 design challenges are still challenging ...
2023年2月11日 · The major issue with the U2 / TR1 is that at altitude the stall speed and sound barrier are nearly the same. With the thin air there is less lift, requiring the large sailplane like wings. At the same time the speed of sound decreases with the lower air pressure, but it is still dense enough to create a shockwave if the speed of sound is exceeded.
U-2 High-Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft - Air Force Technology
2020年6月6日 · U-2 is a single-jet engine, high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft developed by Lockheed Martin for the US Air Force. NASA's ER-2 carries scientific payloads of up to 2,600lbs. The U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft is also known as the ‘Dragon Lady’. Image courtesy of Lockheed Martin Corporation.
SENIOR YEAR U-2 / TR-1 - Specifications - GlobalSecurity.org
2012年1月26日 · Specifications; Primary Function: high-altitude reconnaissance Contractor: Lockheed Aircraft Corp. VARIANT: U-2A : U-2R: TR-1: U-2S Wing span: 80 feet: 103 feet
U-2 Specifications - Blackbirds.net
2004年8月31日 · U-2S: Re-engined U-2R with General Electric F118-GE-101 with 18,300 pounds thrust; the F118 engine is 30% lighter and 39 inches shorter and more fuel effect, than the J75-13B, and allows the "S" to cruise 1220 nm farther, and fly 3500 feet higher. It also has a new digital autopilot, and sensor wiring has been standardized.
Special Hobby’s 1/72 Lockheed TR-1A/U-2R
Lockheed met this demand by taking the original idea of the U-2 and building an entirely new and much bigger aircraft, the TR-1. The new plane was 12 feet, 9 inches longer, had a span 23 feet greater, and could fly 10,000 feet higher than its predecessor. The Air Force acquired 12 TR-1s in 1967, followed by 37 more in 1979.