HMS Graph - Wikipedia
HMS Graph (pennant number P715) was a German Type VIIC U-boat captured and recommissioned by the British Royal Navy during World War II. Commissioned as U-570 in Nazi Germany 's Kriegsmarine in mid-1941, she was attacked and captured on her first patrol.
Capture of the U-570: The Story of the Only U-boat Seized solely …
2020年1月30日 · On Aug. 27, 1941 Lockheed Hudsons of RAF Coastal Command’s 269 Squadron performed a remarkable mission, something never repeated during the war: they captured a U-boat unassisted by surface ships. At the start of World War II, few thought the U-boat would be as devastating as it proved to be.
1939年-1945年,德国U艇和英国海军围绕大西洋航线的战斗,堪称20世纪最经典的海上对战,U-570号的故事正发生在这一时期——它向一架英国飞机投降了。 1941年,U-570号开始在大西洋上服役,基地设在挪威。 由于开战后德国潜艇部队的快速扩充和大量的损失,德国海军也出现潜艇人才的缺乏。 尽管,U-570号的艇长汉斯·约阿希姆·拉姆洛中尉是一位经验丰富的海军军官,却是第一次担任潜艇指挥官,他的两名副手情况也都差不多,至于剩下的艇员则基本上都是些新兵, …
The Type VIIC U-boat U-570 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
Captured by British forces on 27 August 1941 in the North Atlantic south of Iceland, in position 62.15N, 18.35W, after being damaged by a British Hudson aircraft (269 Sqn RAF/S). Towed to Thorlakshafn, Iceland and salvaged. 44 survivors (no casualties). U-570 became the British submarine HMS Graph on 5 October 1941.
The Capture of U-570 and Commissioning as HMS Graph – 1941
One of the best kept secrets of the Royal Navy during WW II was the capture of a Type VII C Submarine, U-Boat 570, and her subsequent commissioning with a British crew as H.M.S. Graph. It happened in the North Atlantic on the 27th of August, 1941.
U-570 - British Report - U-boat Archive - U-570
Commissioned on 15th May, 1941, with a crew consisting of 4 officers, 3 chief petty officers, 11 petty officers and 25 men, she carried out trials, mainly from Kiel and Horton, on Oslo Fjord, until about 23rd July, when, during a crash dive from a suspected British aircraft, she struck a reef and damaged her bows.
HMS Graph (U-570) - When The Royal Navy Took a U-Boat
2023年7月18日 · Grand Theft Submarine, if you will.Joking aside, U-570 was one of the more...unfortunate U-Boats. Saddled with an inexperienced and easily panicked crew, she...
The Capture of U-570 and its Enigma Cipher Machine
On the morning of Aug. 27, 1941, U-570, under the command of Kapitänleutnant Hans-Joachim Rahmlow, surfaced off the coast of Iceland and was immediately spotted by a British Hudson bomber on anti-submarine patrol. As the Hudson dove to attack, Rahmlow ordered a crash dive, but before U-570 could escape, it was bracketed with four depth charges.
纳粹“U-570”号潜艇是怎样被俘获的_艇员 - 搜狐
2021年4月13日 · 瞭望哨很快发现了汤普森的巡逻机,“U-570”号潜艇正要紧急下潜,赫德逊式风驰电掣,已赶来投下了一颗颗深水炸弹。 “U-570”号潜艇受了致命伤,艇内照明中断,仪表玻瑞破裂,海水从裂缝涌入。 控制室内闻到了可怕的氯气味,艇长下令停止下潜,重新浮回水面。 十数名艇员争先恐后地钻出了舰桥。 他们没有抓起甲板上的88毫米炮进行对空射击,而是向空中拚命挥动一件白衬衫,乞求投降。 一会儿,全体艇员钻出潜艇,挤在狭长的甲板上。 飞机在上空来回 …
U-boat Archive - U-570
ONI, Report on the German Submarine of the U-570 Class Captured by the British in August 1941