UAI is currently a USAF Program of Record Since Jan 2005, the UAI Program has contracted with Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon for development and management of UAI
UAI is a US DOD and NATO initiative to develop standardized functional interfaces in aircraft, weapons and mission planning to support integration of future weapons independent of aircraft OFP cycles. This SOW supports the integration efforts necessary to work critical path and technical risk items to accelerate integration onto the F-35A.
CDAO Releases Responsible AI (RAI) Toolkit for Ensuring …
2023年11月14日 · Today, the Department of Defense (DoD) Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) publicly released the Responsible Artificial Intelligence (RAI) Toolkit, a key deliverable of the...
2022年7月1日 · UAI 5101.304 Agency control and compliance procedures. The HCA retains the authority under DFARS 201.304 to develop, coordinate, issue, and maintain the UAI, and UDG.
DOD Releases AI Adoption Strategy - U.S. Department of Defense
2023年11月2日 · DOD released its strategy to accelerate the adoption of advanced artificial intelligence capabilities to ensure U.S. warfighters maintain decision superiority on the battlefield for years to...
The Universal Armament Interface - Wiley Online Library
2013年2月25日 · This chapter provides an overview of the UAI concept and the potential benefits it brings to weapons integration programmes. ) Common Launch Acceptability Region Approach Interface Control Document. ) Interface Standard, Common Interface Control Plan. ) Aircraft/Store Electrical Interconnection System.
Universal Armament Interface (UAI) - USFCR
2024年7月31日 · UAI is a unique program that is focused on the development and sustainment of a truly universal armament interface that will apply across all weapon-carrying platforms and munition systems. The UAI program's focus is on standardizing data interfaces.
2022年6月22日 · U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE RESPONSIBLE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION PATHWAY Prepared by the DoD Responsible AI Working Council in accordance with the memorandum issued by...
Accelerating Weapons Integration for Fighter and Bomber Aircraft
Plug-and-play is the ability to link any weapon in the DoD portfolio with any aircraft across a standard language. This capability is a reality today with UAI, which provides a common aircraft-store logical interface, data for controls and displays, algorithms, a message library, and a …
Advanced UAI Integration Tools for Air to Ground Weapon Integration
2012年10月22日 · The hardware platform (Mission Store Simulator) and software analysis systems were developed to implement the first “Advanced” Universal Armament Interface (UAI) integration. Advanced UAI capabilities include UAI's Master Mode function, GeoZone control and monitoring, Weapon Data Link (WDL) Initialization, and Target Prioritization.