General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper - Wikipedia
The General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper (sometimes called Predator B) is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV, one component of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS)) capable of remotely controlled …
Predator RQ-1 / MQ-1 / MQ-9 Reaper UAV - Air Force Technology
2022年9月2日 · GA-ASI received a contract from the US Navy to supply eight MQ-9A extended range (ER) UAVs for the US Marine Corps (USMC) in May 2022. The aircraft are expected to …
MQ-9A Reaper (Predator B) - General Atomics Aeronautical …
Featuring unmatched operational flexibility, MQ-9A has an endurance of over 27 hours, speeds of 240 KTAS, can operate up to 50,000 feet, and has a 3,850 pound (1746 kilogram) payload …
Inside the MQ-9 Reaper UAV - Features and Applications - NSIN
2025年1月22日 · The MQ-9 Reaper UAV is a cutting-edge unmanned aerial vehicle designed to revolutionize modern warfare. Initially developed for the United States Air Force, it has since …
MQ-9无人机 - 百度百科
MQ-9无人机(英文:MQ-9 Reaper UAV,绰号:收割者/捕食者,最后定名:死神),是20世纪90年代至21世纪初期美国研制的一种无人作战飞机。MQ-9无人机由美国通用原子能公司研 …
MQ-9B SkyGuardian - General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc.
The MQ-9B SeaGuardian® unmanned aircraft system (UAS) is tailor-made to support the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and their allies and partners around the world against peer or near-peer …
MQ-9 Reaper > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
Given its significant loiter time, wide-range sensors, multi-mode communications suite, and precision weapons, it provides a unique capability to perform strike, coordination, and …
美国装备志——MQ9死神大型察打一体无人机 - 知乎
MQ9死神大型察打一体无人机,机身长度11米,翼展20米,最大起飞重量4.76吨,内部载荷360公斤,外挂点6个,总共可携带1.4吨弹药,巡航速度313公里/小时,最高可达482公里/小时,作 …
MQ-9 Reaper - Military.com
The MQ-9 Reaper is the primary offensive strike unmanned aerial vehicle for the U.S. Air Force. Given its significant loiter time, wide-range sensors, multi-mode communications suite, and...
Persistent Multi-mission ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) and Strike Aircraft.