Official website of UAZ (Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant)
The entire model range of UAZ is on the official website of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant.
UAZ - Wikipedia
UAZ or Ulyanovsky Avtomobilny Zavod (Russian: Ульяновский автомобильный завод, УАЗ, romanized: Ulyanovsky avtomobilny zavod, UAZ, lit. 'Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant') is an …
乌里扬诺夫斯克汽车制造厂 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
乌里扬诺夫斯克汽车制造厂 (俄语: Ульяновский Автомобильный Завод, УАЗ, 羅馬化: Ulyanovsky Avtomobilny Zavod,简称:UAZ)是一家位于 俄罗斯 乌里扬诺夫斯克 的汽车制造 …
UAZ lineup, all UAZ models on the site of the Ulyanovsk …
All prices indicated on this website are for informational purposes and are the maximum recommended retail prices according to the manufacturer's calculations (UAZ LLC). For more …
UAZ México
UAZ is an automobile manufacturer based in Ulyanovsk, Russia which manufactures off-road vehicles, buses and trucks.
Uaz Hunter - UAZ ITALY
Famoso per le sue caratteristiche di forza e robustezza, il fuoristrada icona del marchio UAZ si presenta oggi in versione rivisitata per offrire comfort e comodità ai passeggeri. Dotata di …
UAZ-BERLIN – Autos aus Russland
Wir haben viel Erfahrung im Camper- und Wohnmobilausbau auf der Basis von UAZ, GAZ und Lada. Unsere Fahrzeuge haben sich bereits in Sibirien und der Mongolei bewiesen.
Importatore ufficiale UAZ Italia
Viaggio nella storia UAZ . dal 1941 ad oggi..... vai alla sezione . Diventa concessionario UAZ. CHIAMACI. Tweet. Uaz italia. SOCIAL. Contatti. UAZ ITALY s.r.l.s. unipersonale. Importatore …
UAZ BUKHARA - uaz-mexico.com
La versión Expedition se creó sobre la base de una UAZ Bukhara de 7 asientos. Las cualidades todoterreno reforzadas y los detalles de diseño hacen que la conducción todoterreno en rutas …
UAZ - Auto Statistika
UAZ je ruski proizvođač terenskih vozila, osnovan 1941. godine u Uljanovsku. Fabričar je započeo svoje poslovanje tokom Drugog svetskog rata, prvenstveno proizvođenjem vojnih …