UBC Faculty & Staff Email (FASmail) - UBC Information Technology
The UBC Faculty & Staff Email (FASmail) service is an enterprise email service for eligible staff, faculty and student employees of the University of British Columbia. Specific information about the service:
FASmail (UBC Faculty & Staff Email)
UBC IT is now beginning to migrate faculty and staff that have Exchange 2007 mailboxes. We have successfully migrated UBC IT and a number of small faculty pilot groups including MOA, Land Food Systems, ARTS IT, and Forestry.
FASmail - Setup Documents - UBC Information Technology
The setup documents listed below are step-by-step instructions for configuring your email client to use the UBC Faculty and Staff email (FASmail) service. While setup documentation for various Email applications are provided below, we recommend using the Outlook Web App to …
Benefits of FASmail Efficiently and easily schedule meetings with other UBC FASmail users – Simple meeting invitations. – Propose changes in date, topic, location that all invited attendees receive. – Informs you of conflicts with other scheduled tasks/events. – Automatically set reminders through scheduling.
FASmail allows for scheduling conflict-free meetings with other FASmail users. You start by clicking on “New Meeting”, to find a free timeslot for the meeting. You will get an Email reply back once your meeting has been confirmed by the recipient FASmail user.
Setting Up UBC Faculty & Staff E-mail using Windows Mail (IMAPS)
This document explains how to set up Mail in Windows 10 for UBC FASmail using Secure IMAP (IMAPS). Important: For the security of UBC's FASmail service, the legacy Secure IMAP (IMAPS) protocol is no longer enabled by default.
This document explains how to configure an Android device with your UBC FASmail account to access your calendar, contacts, and email. These instructions are based on configuration using a Samsung Galaxy S Captivate, I896.
UBC FASmail Outlook Web App Usage Guide for Email and Calendaring Provided by UBC Information Technology
FASmail - Usage/Training Guides - UBC Information Technology
Introduction to FASmail Email and Calendaring using the Outlook Web App (Webmail) [PDF] This usage guide introduces the main features of the Outlook Web App (Webmail) client including using Email, the Global Address List and Calendaring.
FASmail – How to access a Generic Mailbox on an iPhone, iPad or iPod This document explains how to configure iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch (running Software Update 2.0 or later) to access email in a generic FASmail account.