UBT College – Higher Education Institution
It operates four campuses: UBT Prishtina, UBT Innovation Campus, UBT Prizren and UBT Ferizaj. It is also supported by its centres in various other cities in Kosovo. Academic year 2025/2026
University for Business and Technology - Wikipedia
UBT is an established and innovative institution of higher education in Kosovo which combines the advantages of internationally recognized universities. The university offers: Contemporary study programs based on international quality standards; Distinguished academics and experts
Kolegji UBT – Higher Education Institution
UBT është lider në Kosovë në ofertën arsimore, cilësisë, inovacion dhe teknologji dhe mbetet destinacioni primar në biznes, teknologji dhe inxhinieri
UBT Pristine – Main Campus. Diplomë të njohur ndërkombëtarisht; UBT Branches . Zgjedh më të mirin që të bëhesh më i miri. Read More. UBT Prizren. ... Lagjja Kalabria,10000 Prishtine, Kosovo; About this site +383 38 541 400 +383 38 542 …
UBT College Kosovo - Study in Kosovo
2022年6月7日 · UBT or university of business and technology is and incredibly modern and advanced higher education center, located in the capital of the republic of Kosovo, Pristina. This university is one of the best universities in the region.
UBT - University for Business and Technology - LinkedIn
UBT is an established and innovative institution of higher education in Kosovo which combines the advantages of internationally recognized universities.
UBT | World University Rankings | THE - Times Higher Education …
UBT is a higher education institution in education, quality, innovation and technology in Kosovo. The university’s main campus is located in Prishtina, the capital of Kosovo. Prishtina is situated in the northeastern part of the country near the Gollak Mountains.
UBT International - UBT – Higher Education Institution
Working in Kosovo . UBT is ready to help you pursue your career aspirations during your stay in Kosovo. The Career Center can help you find a suitable job and train you to write your CV, cover letters and other relevant documents. UBT also encourages good students to apply for various job positions within UBT. Health Insurance
Kolegji UBT - Wikipedia
UBT-ja është institucion inovativë i arsimit të lartë në Kosovë, i cili kombinon avantazhet e universiteteve të njohura ndërkombëtarisht. Ky universitet ofron: Të gjitha këto komponente e bëjnë Kolegjin UBT jo vetëm një institucion të rëndësishëm arsimor për të ardhmen e Kosovës, por edhe një institucion modern në Evropë.
UBT International - UBT – Higher Education Institution
Today, UBT is recognized as one of the most internationalized higher education institutions in Kosovo, maintaining numerous partnerships and exchange programmes with universities all over the world. UBT is committed to more firmly developing internationalization, thus setting objectives in the areas of degree programs, research, teaching and ...