UBT-University of Business and Technology
The University of Business & Technology has signed an (MoU) with Saudia Group to enhance cooperative training. This initiative aims to improve coordination, quality, and skill development …
UBT-University of Business and Technology
The history of UBT is one of courage and vision, one that sought to fill the need for specialized and quality business education that would be of benefit to the labor market in Saudi Arabia.
Colleges - UBT – University of business and technology
University of business and technology is a private higher education institution and is located in Jeddah. The university is considered one of the leading in Saudi Arabia. The teaching staff …
About - University of Business and Technology - staging.ubt.edu.sa
The University of Business and Technology (UBT) is a young and pioneering private Higher Education provider established in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia offering, through its four …
CE - University of Business and Technology - staging.ubt.edu.sa
We are delighted to welcome you to the College of Engineering (CE). The college offers 7-degree programs that provide solid knowledge in Engineering through the available departments: …
Colleges - UBT – University of business and technology
UBT’s Requirements Program consists of non-credited courses and English courses aimed at improving students’ language proficiency before they begin their undergraduate studies, as …
مبتكر - UBT
منصة مبتكر للشهادات الاحترافية تقدم شھادات متخصصة ومعتمدة تعزز مھاراتك وفرصك الوظيفيـة وتمكنك من بناء مستقبلاً مھنیاً وفقاً لمتطلبات سوق العمل السعودي. عشرات التخصصات في مجالات مختلفة في الأعمال وعلوم الحاسب والتسویق والإدارة وغیرھا، تم تصمیمھا بعنایة على …
CBA - University of Business and Technology - staging.ubt.edu.sa
The University of Business and Technology (UBT) is a young and pioneering private Higher Education provider established in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
E-Learning - UBT - University of Business and Technology
Welcome to UBT’s Department of eLearning, where innovation meets education. Our cutting-edge digital platforms and resources empower you to learn anytime, anywhere. To become the …
Major of BAIS - University of Business and Technology - staging.ubt.edu.sa
Welcome to the Department of Business Analytics and Information Systems. We are thrilled to have you join our community of aspiring professionals and future leaders in the fields of …