Tips for writing UC PIQ’s : r/ApplyingToCollege - Reddit
2022年7月8日 · r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more.
creative writing for uc piqs? : r/ApplyingToCollege - Reddit
2020年12月2日 · if you ever watched one of the "reading my PIQs" youtube videos, they usually are a bit more on the creative side. they read it out loud and it flows nicely, with more show not tell. so you're definitely fine. i made sure that mine were more on the creative writing side but still straightforward and gets to the point. as long as it's not like: "a pearly drop of sweat swiftly …
UC PIQ questions : r/ApplyingToCollege - Reddit
2021年10月9日 · Here’s my copy pasta for UC PIQs INFO. I went to a UC info recently and learned some great info about the PIQs. Here is what they said: *PIQs are NOT essays. They are answers to questions. *They want NO style. To them, it detracts from your message. *Focus on Content; Make sense, not style *They are looking for: Clarity, Depth, Context
Should the UC PIQs be more creative or straightforward?
2020年11月6日 · Describe don’t explain. Describe how X makes you happy instead of explaining that X makes you happy. A bit of overlap I must admit, but hopefully you get what I’m trying to say. Anyways, you are more informed on what the UC’s want than me, so I would encourage people to take your advice, but it’s still bad writing advice.
advice on UC PIQs : r/ApplyingToCollege - Reddit
2019年11月16日 · #1 r/ApplyingToCollege: advice on UC PIQs. CLICK THIS LINK to also be reminded. Thread has 1 reminder and 1/4 confirmation comments. OP can Delete Comment · Delete Reminder · Get Details · Update Time · Update Message · Add Timezone · Add Email
UC PIQ false AI positive : r/ApplyingToCollege - Reddit
Hi. I applied to 5 UC colleges about 3 days ago through the UC portal. I've been working on all of the essays for a number of months now, constantly refining them and improving them. Today, I decided to run my essays through an AI checker just out of curiosity. The results are worrying. I got 80% AI for all of my essays.
[1/2] A step-by-step guide to make a good outline for UC PIQs fast.
2021年11月8日 · If you think you still can allocate enough time for writing PIQs, try to outline by yourself. Prompt 1: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.
UC PIQ Formatting : r/ApplyingToCollege - Reddit
2019年11月30日 · r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more.
[2/2] A step-by-step guide to making a good outline for UC PIQs …
2021年11月9日 · A step-by-step guide to making a good outline for UC PIQs Prompt 4: Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.
How important are PIQs for transfer admission : r/UCI - Reddit
2021年7月30日 · Even if some people or sources say certain schools don’t read them, you might be a “maybe” candidate for admission and your PIQs could make the difference. If you are applying to more than one UC - which you should do - different schools will use different criteria and your essays are your only chance to show them who you are.