"Let Grace Be Total" (LGBT) UCCP Statement on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Concerns 1. Understanding LGBT What is LGBT? This is primarily a matter of the sexual or gender orientation of the person, where a woman may feel, act and think like a man (lesbian), and where a man may think, feel and act like a woman (gay) or adopt
Social Policy Statements on LGBT Concerns - United Church of Christ
Since 1969 various national settings of the United Church of Christ have addressed the concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in church and society, calling for welcome, inclusion and justice.
基督徒支持婚姻平等,LGBTIQ反歧視,創建一個真正包容友善的教 …
2018年10月27日 · 菲律賓基督聯合教會(UCCP)表示,這肯定了我們所有人,不分族群,都活在神的恩典中。 這個聲明代表,與其歧視LGBT族群,教會應無條件的接納LGBT社群加入團契,成為會友。 聲明也補充到,長期以來,LGBT群體在社會中飽受汙名、論斷、嘲笑和責難。 很大的程度上是歸究於父權文化中的思想和價值、法律觀點及法利賽人的世俗觀及表現出來的自以為義。 在這種情況、世界觀和表現於外的行為的世界,容不下LGBT族群,因為這個世界只分男女。 沒 …
Stances of Faiths on LGBTQ+ Issues: United Church of Christ
As early as 1969, the UCC voiced its commitment to civil rights for LGBTQ+ people. In 1975, the General Synod passed resolutions denouncing discrimination based in “affectional or sexual preference.”
UCCP approves LGBT policy statement, stresses ‘Let Grace Be …
2014年12月21日 · The United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP), a mainline Protestant church of around 1.5 million members, has unanimously approved “Let Grace Be Total,” a policy statement on lesbians, gays, bisexual, and transgender people in its 10 th Quadrennial General Assembly and 66 th Founding Anniversary.
Marriage Equality and LGBTQ Rights - United Church of Christ
2015年6月17日 · The United Church of Christ has a history of supporting equality and justice for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community that spans back more than 40 years.
Let Grace Be Total | PDF | Lgbt | LGBTQIA+ Studies - Scribd
This document from the United Church of Christ in the Philippines discusses the church's stance on LGBT issues. It defines LGBT terms and explains that society often views this group as aberrant. However, the UCCP tradition is rooted in grace rather than legalism, and the church considers all people embraced by God's unconditional love.
The challenge of gender and sexuality in the ecumenical context: A UCCP ...
2015年8月14日 · The most recent manifestation of UCCP’s concern for gender equality is the policy-statement adopted by our General Assembly in 2014 on LGBT (copies of which are available for distribution) Said policy-statement was welcomed positively by UCCP constituents based on recent reports coming from all incumbent bishops. In fact, there are ongoing ...
An analysis of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines …
This descriptive study was conducted to identify the implications of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) General Assembly Policy Statement on Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender to the Western Visayas Conference.
Perspectives on LGBTQIA: An Ecumenical Perspective
2017年6月22日 · On the other hand, several partners of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP), including the United Church of Canada (UCC), United Church of Christ USA (UCC-USA) and Church of Sweden (CoS) have significantly voiced out their acceptance of LGBTs in their churches and have declared their churches to be open to people with diffe...