University of California, Los Angeles - MyUCLA
UCLA Logon; Create UCLA Logon ID. Manage UCLA Logon ID. Look Up UCLA Logon ID. Reset Password. close (X) Students. Student Top Links; UCLA Calendar. Voter Registration. Academic; Academic Calendar. Community Learning. Dean of Students. DPR FAQs. General Catalog. Graduate Study. Instructional Enhancement Initiative (IEI) Humanities E-Campus ...
UCLA Logon
Contact the IT Support Center, email us at [email protected], or give us a call at 310-267-HELP (4357).
Login Page - myUCLAhealth
Communicate with your doctor Get answers to your medical questions from the comfort of your own home Access your test results No more waiting for a phone call or letter – view your results and your doctor's comments within days
How to Create a UCLA Logon ID - IT Services
If you have a UCLA ID Number (UID), you should always use it to create a UCLA Logon ID. This ensures that you will have access to all of our online services. Click “I HAVE A UID.”
UCLA Single Sign-On
The UCLA Sign-On service requires a modern, vendor supported browser. You are seeing this message because your browser does not meet the requirement. If you have another browser, try signing in with it.
Sign In - University of California, Los Angeles
NOTE: please sign in using [email protected] in the previous logon page if your account is enabled for MFA. For those not yet enabled for MFA, sign in with your [email protected] and password below.
UCLA Logon - University of California, Los Angeles
Contact the IT Support Center, email us at [email protected], or give us a call at 310-267-HELP (4357).
Create A UCLA Logon ID - University of California, Los Angeles
IT Services grants permission to members of the UCLA community to use computing resources by issuing individual computing accounts including UCLA Logon IDs. As a condition of receiving an account, you must observe the following guidelines:
Google Apps for UCLA
If you are eligible for a Google Apps for UCLA account and are experiencing issues logging in, please contact the IT Support Center at (310) 267-HELP (4357), [email protected], or visit their help desk at Kerckhoff Hall, Suite 124.
MyUCLA - University of California, Los Angeles
UCLA Logon; Create UCLA Logon ID. Manage UCLA Logon ID. Look Up UCLA Logon ID. Reset Password. close (X) Students. Student Top Links; UCLA Calendar. Voter Registration. Academic; Academic Calendar. Community Learning. Dean of Students. DPR FAQs. General Catalog. Graduate Study. Instructional Enhancement Initiative (IEI) Humanities E-Campus ...
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