Solved: PC? - Answer HQ
Couldn't you, as a Community Manager, tell the higher ups that your community still wants UFC 4 on PC? As the console hardware running on very similar architecture as PC, and with cross …
UFC 4 On PC - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
I beg you release UFC 4 on pc and make it cross platform , you'll have so much new players !
Please make UFC 4 on the PC too, there are a lot of PC players that want to play UFC on their machines, you said already that its not hard for you to make it, then make it. You will just earn …
Solved: Re: UFC 4 PC when? - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hi there, . UFC 4 is only going to be released on Xbox One and PS4.
EA SPORTS UFC 4 PC - Page 3 - Answer HQ
Please make UFC 4 on the PC too, there are a lot of PC players that want to play UFC on their machines, you said already that its not hard for you to make it, then make it. You will just earn …
Solved: Why isn't there UFC 4 for PC? - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
I'm a real fan for the UFC games and I used to play in the PS4. Now I just have a PC, and it's very sad know that there isn't UFC games for PC. I know a bunch of people that also would wanna …
UFC on PC. Версия для компьютеров. UFC 4; UFC 5
2025年1月16日 · Сейчас у PC-геймеров нет проблем с геймпадами, они готовы покупать консольные игры в том числе UFC. Это никак не снизит юзеров любителей PS4 и PS5, …
WE NEED UFC 4 ON PC - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
We REALLY need UFC 4 on pc. I enjoy UFC so much. So * much, i even enjoy watching people play UFC 3. I really really want to play the game aswell but its not possible because it only on …
EA SPORTS UFC 4 PC - Page 2 - Answer HQ
UFC 4 coming to PC would be perfect, its the kind of game we dont have for PC at the moment. Moneyshot EA will probably miss.
Gosto muito dos jogos EA SPORTS UFC, jogava muito no PS4, porém vendi e comprei um PC. Infelizmente me deparo que não há o jogo para o PC, e imagino que é um erro ABSURDO da …