Post-UFE experience from a DrPatient | Uterine Fibroids | Forums
2017年5月7日 · My UFE caused MAJOR issues: 1). The pain was much more severe after the UFE, unlike the myomectomy. 2). I too experience the dizziness, constipation, and to add sometimes delusional. 3). My average weight was typically, 145 to 150. 4). After the UFE, my weight is 165 to 170. 5). Increased from a size 8 to 12. 6). My age group is 40-45. 7).
Two Weeks Post-UFE - a couple of questions and lots of details
I had my UFE 7 days ago. I am 49 and had been putting up with heavy bleeding and an ever increasing uterus for two years. Never had any pain just bladder problems and extreme fatigue. My doctor suggested UFE to reduce size of fibroids before having hysterectomy. I have one that is huge and my uterus is size if 8 month pregnancy.
Fibroid embolization experiences | Uterine Fibroids | Forums
2016年1月10日 · Hi! Embolization is a less invasive procedure than surgery. There is alot to read about it on the Internet if you search for Uterine Fibroid Embolization.
UFE experience with larger fibroids | Uterine Fibroids | Forums
I had the UFE procedure done many years after having my kids. I had similar pain or discomfort like you plus heavy bleeding during my periods and anemic because of it. The reason I chose this procedure was the non invasive side of it and that I was over 50.I exercise daily and my largest fibroid of 13 cm was causing pain in my stomach.
Heavy bleeding 7 months after UFE | Uterine Fibroids | Forums
2018年5月22日 · I thought the UFE failed for me too because I was still having erratic and heavy periods 9 months after my procedure. Then around the 10-12 month mark everything started started normalizing. For at least 2 years after the procedure I still carried around loads of super tampons and pads, always worried my horrific periods would catch me off guard.
Ufe leg pains | Uterine Fibroids | Forums - Patient
2020年1月1日 · Hi, Im 14 days post Ufe for fibroids & was wondering if anyone knows how long the leg pains, strange twinges & cold feelings in legs lasts for? did anyone else have it? I read it being something to do with them going through the femoral artery, but doesnt say how long it lasts. 0 likes, 10 replies
Year after having UFE | Uterine Fibroids | Forums - Patient
2017年1月13日 · Wanted to know from anyone who had a UFE and after a year display you ever experience any cramping or same type of discharge of tissues from the shrinkage. It's been a year to date of my procedure. Recently started having cramping and discharge with shedding tissues again like I was passing game after the procedure.
Uterine Fibroids | Women's health | Forums - Patient
Patient Forums for Uterine Fibroids. Part of the Women's health category. Symptom, treatment and advice from community members
Pregnancy after UFE | Uterine Fibroids | Forums - Patient
I had a 12cm fibroid, had UFE surgery 8 months ago and the ultrasound from last week showed it shrunk to 5cm, so my husband and I would like to try to get pregnant - although it is recommended to wait a year, and we understand all risks involved with the fact there is less blood flow to uterus overall.
Post Fibroid Embolisation | Uterine Fibroids | Forums - Patient
2014年8月21日 · UFE is less invasive then myomectomy but the fact that both resulting to removal of the fibroid obviously in different ways should have the same recovery period. I was only offsick for 4 weeks but it was only the first stage of the UFE.