Role of the ubiquitin-like protein Hub1 in splice-site usage and ...
2011年5月25日 · Here we report that alternative splicing of Saccharomyces cerevisiae SRC1 pre-mRNA is promoted by the conserved ubiquitin-like protein Hub1. Structural and biochemical data show that Hub1 binds...
Ubiquitin-like Protein Hub1 Is Required for Pre-mRNA Splicing …
Here, we report that fission yeast hub1 is an essential gene, whose loss results in cell cycle defects and inefficient pre-mRNA splicing. A screen for Hub1 interactors identified Snu66, a component of the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP splicing complex. Furthermore, overexpression of Snu66 suppresses the lethality of a hub1ts mutant.
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2014年7月10日 · Human Hub1 is highly similar to its yeast homolog, but its cellular function remains largely unexplored. Here, we show that human Hub1 binds to the spliceosomal protein Snu66 as in yeast, however, unlike its S. cerevisiae homolog, human Hub1 is …
Hub1 助力企业数智化转型_数据分析_数字化营销_数据定制_数智 …
Stress-induced upregulation of the ubiquitin-relative Hub1 …
2020年2月1日 · Recently, we have shown that the evolutionarily-conserved ubiquitin-relative Hub1 binds directly to the DEAD-box RNA helicase Prp5, a key regulator of splicing fidelity, and stimulates its ATPase activity.
Broader roles of the ubiquitin-like protein Hub1 indicated by
2022年1月25日 · The conserved ubiquitin-like protein Hub1/UBL5 functions in RNA splicing, DNA repair and mitochondrial unfolding responses. It binds proteins specific to these pathways and modifies their functional properties.
普通肝素、低分子肝素、磺达肝癸钠用药区别在哪里? - 丁香园
2023年5月12日 · 临床常用的非口服抗凝药有普通肝素(ufh)、低分子肝素(lmwh)和磺达肝癸钠。 那么这 3 种药物有什么区别? 不同临床场景下要选择哪种?
conserved ubiquitin-like protein Hub1 plays a critical role in …
2014年5月28日 · With our new data on human Hub1 we are now in the position to compare the significance of Hub1 for different organisms and to identify the conserved and general role of Hub1 for pre-mRNA splicing. Based on protein–protein interaction studies and structural data, here we revealed the mechanism of binding of human Hub1 to Snu66 via the HIND ...
Ubiquitin-like Protein Hub1 Is Required for pre-mRNA Splicing …
2004年12月29日 · In this paper, the authors showed that the ubiquitin-like protein Hub1 is required for pre-mRNA splicing in S. pombe and that its loss also affects localization of Snu66 in this yeast.
0.F版本的HUB01不是那么好攻入了啊... - 百度贴吧
AI智商稍微提高了,里面的炮塔也不会和HUB01的人打起来了,最重要的是,所有的防弹衣都换成了ESAPI,.223子弹打上去基本都是被弹开。 而且开始有越来越多的AI能装备步枪,打人很疼。 我这次是靠榴弹炮轰过去的hhh第一次在CDDA好好利用重武器. 然后y1s1,虽然说这个背包长度系统是挺烦,但搜刮东西确实方便,再也不用傻乎乎的把枪整个捡起来来清空里面的弹匣了,可以直接清空出来。 为毛我都是老老实实做他们给的任务,然后混一套防护服。 第二个任务完成后院 …
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