Canada releases image of UFO downed by US fighter jet | Fox News
2024年9月25日 · Canada released an image of a UFO that was shot down last year by a U.S. fighter jet in Canadian airspace, according to media reports.
Scientists Say They've Found The Best Place to Spot a UFO in The US
If you want to see unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the skies across the US, head west. Researchers from the University of Utah wanted to look into how local environmental factors affect sightings of these UFOs.
Home - MUFON
We provide a platform for experiencers and UFO abductees to report a UFO or report an alien abduction. Our UFO database is a comprehensive collection of information, encompassing reports of flying saucers, UFO crashes, and even cattle mutilations linked to UFO activities. We also run a popular UFO podcast and an annual UFO conference.
National UFO Reporting Center | Report a UFO | Report a UAP
2024年11月9日 · The most trustworthy, transparent and respectful organization for UFO/UAP witness and experiencer reporting. Browse reports, images, videos, maps and more.
UFO Spotted Hovering in Sky Shot Down by US Fighter Jet - MSN
A newly released image of a UFO shot down by a US fighter jet over Canada in 2023 has raised questions about the object seen over the Yukon.
不明飞行物 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
不明飛行物 (體)或稱 未確認飛行物 (體)(英語: Unidentified Flying Object, 縮寫:UFO),是指不明來歷、不明性質,漂浮及 飛行 在 天空 的物體。 意指是只要在觀察者眼中看不清或無法辨認的不詳物體都稱為UFO。 很多人將UFO視為等同於 高科技 或 外星文明 的 飛碟 、 飛盤子 、 幽浮 (英語: Flying Saucer),香港、台灣稱為 飛碟。 人類相信它是來自其他 行星 的太空船或者未來的人來今日 地球 做研究所操控的 時光機,一些人則認為是 大氣現象 [1],還 …
Spotting UFOs: Do-it-yourself sky surveillance comes online
2021年3月6日 · If you are perplexed, befuddled and bewildered about reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and possible visitations of alien spacecraft, you can take action with do-it-yourself...
UFO EVIDENCE - Scientific Study of the UFO Phenomenon
UFO Evidence presents in-depth and quality research, resources, news and information on the UFO phenomenon. It is one of the largest internet sites on the UFO subject. Sections include selected UFO cases, UFO photos, UFO sightings, and articles and topics related to the UFO / ET / Alien phenomenon.
Today's UFO News - The UAP News Center
The latest news on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP/UFO), from many sources. Learn about UFO Podcasts, Conferences and other resources. Serious UFO news for serious people.
NASA UFO report - live: Scientists release Unidentified Anomalous ...
2023年9月14日 · NASA has released a report on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena - commonly known as UFOs - before holding a media briefing to discuss its findings. The briefing is now over but you can watch it on demand below. NASA holds a news conference in Washington on the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Independent Study Report.