Hubble Views a Galactic Supernova Site - NASA Science
2024年1月19日 · This image features a relatively small galaxy known as UGC 5189A, which is located about 150 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. This galaxy was observed by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope to study a …
Gone but not forgotten | ESA/Hubble
2024年1月15日 · This image features a relatively small galaxy known as UGC 5189A, which is located about 150 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. This galaxy was observed by Hubble to study a supernova explosion in 2010 known as SN 2010jl.
Hubble Telescope reveals galaxy that hosted a supernova 2.5 …
2024年1月16日 · A new Hubble Space Telescope image shows the tiny galaxy UGC 5189A, located about 150 million light-years away in the constellation Leo, in stunning detail.
Galaxy UGC 5189A in Leo | Hubble Space Telescope - Friends of …
2024年1月15日 · This image features a relatively small galaxy known as UGC 5189A. It is located about 150 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. This galaxy was observed by Hubble to study a supernova explosion in 2010 known as SN 2010jl.
距离地球 1.5 亿光年,哈勃望远镜分享 UGC 5189A 星系新图片
IT之家 1 月 16 日消息,美国宇航局和欧空局近日分享了哈勃太空望远镜拍摄到的新图片,展示了距离地球 1.5 亿光年的狮子座内, 编号为 UGC 5189A 的星系。 IT之家附上图片如下: 哈勃之所以观测这个星系,最重要的原因是该星系在 2010 年发生了一次超新星爆炸,天文学家随后将该事件标记为 SN 2010jl。 这颗超新星的特别之处在于它是一颗异常明亮的超新星,在三年的时间里,SN 2010jl 光是释放的可见光能量,就比太阳在相同时间段内释放的所有波长的能量多至少 …
20240115 UGC 5189A 逝去但未被遺忘 - 萌芽地科網 - 萌芽網頁
2024年12月26日 · 這張影像由 NASA/ESA 哈伯太空望遠鏡 的第三代廣域照相機(Wide Field Camera 3,WFC3)拍攝,原始大小為 3225 x 2986 px。 圖中的目標名為 UGC 5189A,位於 獅子座(Leo)。 這是一個扁平且形狀不規則的星系。 其右上方被發光的氣體與塵埃羽流覆蓋,而中央與左側則顯得較暗淡且斑駁不均。 一條由暗淡塵埃組成的細長帶從星系下方延伸至左上角,在該處可見三個明亮區域。 星系周圍的背景顯得相當暗黑,僅有幾個小型背景星系與一顆恆星可 …
Hubble Space Telescope Focuses on Supernova-Hosting Galaxy
2024年1月15日 · UGC 5189A is located approximately 150 million light-years away in the constellation of Leo. Also known as ECO 5363 or LEDA 27776, this galaxy was observed by Hubble to study a supernova explosion in 2010.
UGC 5189A | aavso
November 5, 2010: We have been informed by Tim Puckett and by the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams (CBET 2532, Daniel W. E. Green, Ed.) of the discovery of a bright possible supernova in UGC 5189A by J. Newton and Puckett, Portal, AZ, on November 3.52 UT at unfiltered magnitude 13.5. Confirming images (limiting magnitude 19.1) by ...
Stunning Supernova Remnant Leaves Beautiful Echoes in Space
2024年1月16日 · 150 million light-years from Earth, a relatively small galaxy, UGC 5189A, was the site of a massive supernova, a super-powerful star explosion. The dwarf galaxy in the constellation Leo was first...
Hubble Views a Galactic Supernova Site - NASA Science
2024年10月22日 · This image features a relatively small galaxy known as UGC 5189A, which is located about 150 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. This galaxy was observed by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope to study a …
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